It has been a busy time here on the farm. No time to remember to connect to the Universe, just head down and keep going.
It was a long day yesterday. Stopped a farm job halfway through. It was nearly midnight. Got to carry on with the job today, and we are tired. And it is so easy to let slip the work I need to do keep my connections with the Universe open when I am this busy, the need to do the work of the moment driving away this most important aspect of my life.
So last night, deep in an exhausted sleep, I was dreaming, but not clearly, just this and that, nothing specific. And then, quite clearly, I saw Maz, our young rottweiller girl, pushing her nose through the partly open door to the Half Barn where we sleep, and coming to sit beside me as I slept. She was alert and watchful, looking at me, and she was in my dreams.
And I knew that she was asleep in her bed in the kitchen, and that the door between us was closed. Nevertheless, there she was, quite clearly, observing me. And it was as if she was looking after me, keeping watch over me, but not in her day time awake way, when she is being her doggy self, but in a quiet way, a soul way, a deep way.
When a friend brought two puppies round to show us last January, she gave Maz to me to hold. I did not want another dog, and definitely not a rottweiller. But Maz gave me a lick, and looked at me in a deep way, and it is as if she chose me, so I had no option but to say I would keep her. And it was put into my head that her sister also needed to stay here, so I said we would also keep her as well.
Years ago, a similar thing happened when we bought Boolie, our Springer Spaniel. I did not want a dog at that time, and definitely not a Spaniel, but the Universe kept on sending me signposts that he was on his way. For instance, I clairvoyantly 'saw' a Springer puppy bouncing down the stairs, and in the library a book about owning Springer Spaniels sort of fell off the shelf at me. But I remained adamant that I would not have that breed of dog, and then he arrived after he chose me to be his new owner, and he has been the best of dogs, looking after my soul self as well as my human self. He has not been the easiest of dogs to have around though, but he has been the best of dogs, and has been an anchor for me when I have temporarily lost my links with the Universe, giving me his soul energy when mine are failing.
I think that several messages were given to me last night. That Boolie will be passing over soon, although he is still in remarkable health for fifteen years of age and carries on as if he were still a puppy. That Maz is going to 'step' into his 'shoes' when that time comes, and will become my soul helper for when my own soul energies are depleted and tiredness is robbing me of the effort to connect to the energies of the Universe directly. That by seeing Maz coming to me in my dreams, I am reminded that I am being looked after, because it was the Universe who would have brought her to me, as I say, to remind me that I not alone.
Oh dear, the day is calling me, but my heart feels warm, and I feel in balance between my soul self and my human self, because a young rottweiller came and brought healing to me in my dreams.
Do you have such a helper in your life?
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Thursday, 12 December 2013
The moving of myself by Rach 3
Often I play music when working at the computer, but not when I am writing and so need to listen clairaudiently for the Universe to speak to me so I can know what I am supposed to be writing about, because if I can't hear them I can't write. I listen to music when I am needing to edit what has already been written, or when I am working on the updates for the websites. Most time the music becomes background noise after a few minutes.
So this morning I was working on the links for the new updates for Aspects of Self, and my head was feeling a bit scruffy about doing this, so I went on to YouTube, searched for Rachmaninov 3 Opus 30, which I often listen to. Most times it fades into the background as I work, and only occasionally will my mind be pulled back to the more melodic parts of the piece, but rarely do I stop and actually listen to chunks of it.
But this morning I did. I landed up being stopped in my tracks. All of me became involved with the pianist, who was Vladimir Horowitz, because he was playing from his heart, and his passion reached into my heart, and it was magnificent. All of me became merged with the sounds he, the orchestra, and Rachmaninov, were making. I could feel the music all over me and especially within my chest. It was a very healing experience. After the music finished I felt like I had been put through a very nice washing machine, all cleaned up and sparkly, with my heart centre filled up with a huge warmth. Gosh.
When someone speaks from the heart, whether it be via music, or words, then that person will make you pay attention to them, because they are sharing their soul energy with you, which will then make your own soul respond. It is a very healing experience to have.
Here is Mr Horowitz playing the Rach3:
He made mistakes, but that only enriches the experience of listening to him, because he was making his best effort, which was stupendous. The piano he was playing on did not have the best sound, he played occasional wrong notes, and in the beginning he sounded out of step with the orchestra. And that is the beauty of it all. Because his heart was the place from which he was playing the music, and that then makes his playing as perfect as it can get. To listen to music which is technically perfect but not played from the heart, well, that will allow that music to be pushed into the background and not be heard properly. But Mr Horowitz made me hear the Rach 3 as if for the first time. Plus I received a good dose of healing, which was a lovely bonus, especially because it was unexpected.
He made mistakes, but that only enriches the experience of listening to him, because he was making his best effort, which was stupendous. The piano he was playing on did not have the best sound, he played occasional wrong notes, and in the beginning he sounded out of step with the orchestra. And that is the beauty of it all. Because his heart was the place from which he was playing the music, and that then makes his playing as perfect as it can get. To listen to music which is technically perfect but not played from the heart, well, that will allow that music to be pushed into the background and not be heard properly. But Mr Horowitz made me hear the Rach 3 as if for the first time. Plus I received a good dose of healing, which was a lovely bonus, especially because it was unexpected.
So off I go into my day. Lots of things to do. Do you listen to music? Do you get 'moved'? I hope you do, because it heals the heart, which brings the mind and soul into balance. So if you haven't been 'moved' yet, and are not able to share a similar experience to that which I have just had, never mind, keep on going, you might in the future!
.... and sending a 'thank you' up to Mr Horowitz, wherever his soul now is, because he is no longer with us in person.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Bubble watching
The stars were bright in the night sky last night. How did I know this? Because Bools, my spaniel, wanted to go to the loo in the middle of the night, and as I waited for him to do what he needed to do, I had time to look up at the night sky.
Now for a long time I have seen sort of patterns in bubbles. It started when I used to lay front down in a bubble bath, and because the bubbles were very close to my face I started noticing that each small bubble had a pattern in it, which I found quite fascinating. I asked other people if they could see anything similar, and they just looked at me as if I was off my head.
For as long as I can remember I have seen a sort of rain effect in the air, which hardly comes straight downwards but mostly goes at a downward slant this way and that. And sometimes I have seen what looks like a small spot of light flying through the air in an arc.
But the most intriguing is the bubbles because I do not see very well at close range, and yet I can see the patterns and colours in bubbles. I also see some small round transparent circles when I am looking at the bubbles, but they are part of my own eyes because they shift and move as my eyes shift and move.
Back to last night. As I looked up at the dark sky one star in particular caught my attention. Now when I look at sunlight reflected on a surface, the ray of light upon the object creates an effect similar to the bubbles, although the patterns might be slightly different. And the glistening effect of the sun beam at its destination shoots out a sort of explosion of light which is not harsh or solid like a blob would be, but looks like a sort of multi faceted star, which is not a good description at all, but is the best I can give you.
So I was looking at this one star in particular, and it was sort of twinkling, and then it became lots of different bits twinkling, and then at the top of the star I noticed colour, just little bits, but the star was definitely wearing a coloured hat. And today, when I have looked closely at sunlight on things, the little shafts of light are not only still patterned, but have now developed the colours of the spectrum, all together, in one little drop of light. Wow!
So I had a search on Wikipedia (, and found out that I the colours I am seeing in one individual spot of sunlight are the entire colours of the spectrum in one hit, although there was not much red. Yellow, turquoise, electric blue, purple, they were all there, and very brilliant and pure they were too.
And the odd thing is that that star up in the sky was showing the exact same behaviour of light as did the very close sun beams I had a look at today. Actually it was the top of my glasses I was looking at, my glasses being half way down my nose because I was doing some knitting and they had slipped down, and as I was looking at our chickens hovering around I had a look at the sun shining on the top of my glasses, and that is when I noticed the colour spectrum. So why did I see part of the colour spectrum up on that star, when my eyesight should not have allowed me to do so.
The Universe is a wonderful place if we can only stop and have a look, but I really would like someone else to share with me the magic of seeing patterns in bubbles, and the colour spectrum in sunlight. I would also like someone to tell me what I am actually seeing, and why I am seeing it, and also why I have now developed an ability to see the colour spectrum when my eye sight is not so good as it used to be.
As I say, the Universe is an intriguing place to explore, even if it is playing with bubbles in the bath, or being captivated by colours in a star and on glasses!
Sunday, 8 December 2013
A few words about destiny.
I have not yet researched 'Om....', which I said that I was going to do in yesterday's post, but I just wanted to say that I am wavering between panic about going into this new stage in the journey of my life, and excitement about at last being able to have some idea of the reasons for my existence. During most of my adult life I have had no definition what it is I am supposed to do in life. Others make goals and expectations about what they want and what they think they need out of life, but I never have. Always it has been as if I have bounced along, always trying to catch up with myself as my life has gone this way and that way, making people think that I am inept, even weak.
And yet this bouncing about and having no definition of purpose has given me a huge amount of life lessons to learn, and I now feel brimful with wisdom. But yet I was not really bouncing about. What I was doing was tackling the opportunities that came along in my life, opportunities which were given to me by the Universe, opportunities that enabled me to prepare for my destiny. And how grand that sounds. Destiny. But I have always felt that I was heading towards my destiny, although what that was supposed to be remained undefined. But then, if I had been made aware of that destiny, I would probably have gone off in another direction, panicking, saying 'I can't do that', and possibly even killing the opportunity to achieve my destiny stone cold dead.
So when I look back, I can see that I was never really 'bouncing along', that there was a plan which I working my way through, which was a pathway that was taking me towards my destiny which was hidden in the mists of the future.
All I ever asked for in regards to my life was that perhaps I would be able to have a place in which to work for the Universe. I never defined where this place would be or what it should look like. I made no expectations at all. Just mentioned that perhaps it would be good to have a place where people could come for rest and recovery. Along the way this has broadened out to wanting to give this help via the Internet as well.
So what is 'destiny'? It is a burning need within one's self to do something, although what that something is remains mostly unknown. Destiny lies within the heart, and not in one's head, and has nothing to do with wanting money, wanting fame, wanting an 'ideal place', or wanting to live in a place of one's choice. Destiny is about letting go all of those demands on one's self, and leaving one's self in the hands of the Universe. Destiny is about trusting that all will be well, somehow. Destiny is about not letting money be the driving force, that working for financial security can be very limiting to the achieving of one's destiny.
I have always felt out of step with myself, never knowing who I am. Now I am closer to achieving my destiny I feel like I am settling into myself, that all the various parts of me are coming together, but not forced together by the expectations of my mind, but glued with a glue which is unbreakable by the efforts of myself to keep in step with the Universe, which has always held the key to my destiny. Learning to listen, and work with, the energies of the Universe, that is what has glued me together. It has taken effort.
Have you a destiny? Perhaps, if want to let go of what you think you should have in life. Letting go of expectations, that is what points you in the direction of your destiny, which also includes not allowing those expectations to create a do-it-yourself destiny, because a true destiny will always remain hidden until you have almost arrived at it, although preparation will have been ongoing throughout life.
True destiny has to be earned. It never arrives without effort. It requires a determination to keep on going when things get tough. It requires patience with self, and those around. It requires being positive as much as one can. It is hard work. Ah, but that feeling of becoming glued together, that is the best of feelings. And that feeling of being in step with one's life's journey, that is also the best.
Bless you for reading these words, and I hope that they encourage you to keep going forward to what is, hopefully, your very own destiny, providing you let go of all your expectations about life, because these will divert you away from achieving your own special destiny.
And yet this bouncing about and having no definition of purpose has given me a huge amount of life lessons to learn, and I now feel brimful with wisdom. But yet I was not really bouncing about. What I was doing was tackling the opportunities that came along in my life, opportunities which were given to me by the Universe, opportunities that enabled me to prepare for my destiny. And how grand that sounds. Destiny. But I have always felt that I was heading towards my destiny, although what that was supposed to be remained undefined. But then, if I had been made aware of that destiny, I would probably have gone off in another direction, panicking, saying 'I can't do that', and possibly even killing the opportunity to achieve my destiny stone cold dead.
So when I look back, I can see that I was never really 'bouncing along', that there was a plan which I working my way through, which was a pathway that was taking me towards my destiny which was hidden in the mists of the future.
All I ever asked for in regards to my life was that perhaps I would be able to have a place in which to work for the Universe. I never defined where this place would be or what it should look like. I made no expectations at all. Just mentioned that perhaps it would be good to have a place where people could come for rest and recovery. Along the way this has broadened out to wanting to give this help via the Internet as well.
So what is 'destiny'? It is a burning need within one's self to do something, although what that something is remains mostly unknown. Destiny lies within the heart, and not in one's head, and has nothing to do with wanting money, wanting fame, wanting an 'ideal place', or wanting to live in a place of one's choice. Destiny is about letting go all of those demands on one's self, and leaving one's self in the hands of the Universe. Destiny is about trusting that all will be well, somehow. Destiny is about not letting money be the driving force, that working for financial security can be very limiting to the achieving of one's destiny.
I have always felt out of step with myself, never knowing who I am. Now I am closer to achieving my destiny I feel like I am settling into myself, that all the various parts of me are coming together, but not forced together by the expectations of my mind, but glued with a glue which is unbreakable by the efforts of myself to keep in step with the Universe, which has always held the key to my destiny. Learning to listen, and work with, the energies of the Universe, that is what has glued me together. It has taken effort.
Have you a destiny? Perhaps, if want to let go of what you think you should have in life. Letting go of expectations, that is what points you in the direction of your destiny, which also includes not allowing those expectations to create a do-it-yourself destiny, because a true destiny will always remain hidden until you have almost arrived at it, although preparation will have been ongoing throughout life.
True destiny has to be earned. It never arrives without effort. It requires a determination to keep on going when things get tough. It requires patience with self, and those around. It requires being positive as much as one can. It is hard work. Ah, but that feeling of becoming glued together, that is the best of feelings. And that feeling of being in step with one's life's journey, that is also the best.
Bless you for reading these words, and I hope that they encourage you to keep going forward to what is, hopefully, your very own destiny, providing you let go of all your expectations about life, because these will divert you away from achieving your own special destiny.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Blocking naughty thoughts...
'The Lord will make straight my way', that is what I am saying to myself as we now journey on into the time of not having an income. And the Universe is saying back to me 'One door closes, another opens', and this is for both myself and my partner. It's scary stuff, not knowing where our income is going to come from. Trust, that is what we now have to do. It is difficult not to argue with each other as tensions float between us about the future, and this is when I repeat the mantra of 'The Lord will make straight my way'.
Mantras are useful is times such as these. When the mind is cluttered up with worries. When one does not know what is to be. When one's natural instinct for survival continually pulls one down to the lower self, pushing the lovely higher self into the background. When fear about failure lies heavy within the mind. It is a struggle. This is when the higher self needs to be the stronger, confident, self. And yet those fears and worries do not let this self have room to speak, unless we find time to make the space to be quiet enough so that the Universe can connect and help us.
I take the Universe for granted. I have slipped out of making the effort to make time for the connection between us. I really must make more effort to find a quiet time each day so that my higher self can become the more powerful self. Writing this blog is helping me to do this. My lower self does not let me write. I want to write. Therefore I must encourage my higher self to be me.
Mantras are short sentences of only a few words long, and they are repeated over and over again, so that a rhythm is set up. Om mani padme hum. That is one of the popular mantras, and an Internet search will give you the info about what those words mean. For me, this particular mantra is all about the sound of the words, listening to the way in which they resonate within my body, that is what I focus on. But this mantra needs for me to be sitting in a quiet place. It is not a mantra to be used when I am busy and need to get things done. For such times I use mantra's like 'All good is coming to me', or 'The Lord will make straight my way'.
So when I am doing my daily work and my lower self is taking the opportunity to try and fill my mind with worrisome thoughts, I push away those unhappy thoughts by repeating over and over to myself those two mantras. Chanting, that is what I suppose I am doing, but as I go about my work, giving my mind something to else to focus on instead of it working its way down the list of worries.
Mantras are also useful to end the day with. To go to sleep with one of these mantras being quietly said within my mind always ensures a positive me when I get up in the morning. If I can't be bothered to do this, and instead let worrisome thoughts sit in my head, then I shall wake up to those thoughts and feel worn out before I even get out of bed. Repeating a mantra over and over again as I go to sleep makes sure I have energy to start the day.
I have been forgetting to do this.
I did not know what I was going to write about as I started this new posting, and several times I deleted what I had written because the words did not seem to be going anywhere. And then I found myself heading towards the subject of mantras and I was reminded of their value. I think, dear reader, that the Universe had a hand in giving me this reminder!
I woke up at two this morning, my head waking me up by being full of nonsense worries. It is now three. I shall now go back to bed and fill my head with a positive mantra.
But before I go, I have just been reminded about the 'Om.....' mantra. I can't use this when I not under quiet conditions. It is a very powerful mantra, and puts me into direct attunement with the energies of the Universe. I had forgotten that it does so. I have just done a chant of a few 'Oms......' and immediately my lower chakras went into a recharge. It feels very strange when this happens. Like a blast of toothache, but not in my physical self but in my energy fields. I suppose the closest sensation would be to when one is having an orgasm, but this is not sexual, although is still tingling.
And as I have carried on with 'Om........' my breathing has deepened, and now I feel a pulling in of energy through my breath, and then the word 'Done' was just been said to me, so I know that the powers that be must have just readjusted my energies.
It is a strange thing, experiencing this and writing it down at the same time, but perhaps it might help others to feel comfortable should they have the same experience. There are not many books which say that being in a state of receiving healing through the lower chakras is similar to having an orgasm, and that it was 'Om....' which triggered off this flow of healing. 'Om.....' does work in a similar way on all the other chakras. As I say, it is a powerful mantra and cannot be said while one is vacuuming the floors of one's home. Instead, I chant 'All good.....' or 'The Lord.....' They always work. All I have to do is remember to say them when my mind is being naughty with me.
PS. Have been given the thought to do more writing about 'Om....' so shall do this in the next post.
Friday, 29 November 2013
A tipple of wine
So I went back to bed yesterday. Couldn't get connected with the healing energies of the Universe via reiki because the palpitations were overwhelming my ability to get connected. The only thing for it was to go to bed, and focus on getting some deeper healing into me by going to sleep.
Still did not seem to work. But what did happen was that Lester joined me for a warm up, it being a very cold day, and we had a chat. It was a big chat. And it was decided that we are both under megga stress at the moment and need to offload some of that stress. And the most stressful things we do is working for other people, me with my readings, and Lester with his computer work for an office in the UK. But they are our main source of income. They are also work we do not need to be doing. Why? Because we have the opportunity to move forward with our farm and to make Labartere into a temporary stop over place for people who need healing, that is what is in our hearts, but we need to do some off loading, this is what we are finding hard to do.
It is easy to get stuck in a rut, especially when staying in that rut means an income will come in. And yet the walls of that rut can eventually become quite, quite, suffocating, so that staying in the rut becomes a major stressor. But still we stay enclosed in that rut, in the known ways of doing things, on the reliance on money, afraid to take up other opportunities which, on the face of it, may or may not provide the money to live. And so we eventually become ill, as our bodies start reacting to the mental pressures of living a life, and a lifestyle, which is not suitable for our true selves.
And so Lester and I have reached this stage when the stressors are making us ill. He is having chest pains, and I am having palpitations. Time to sort things out. What are our stressors: the renovation of the house which is not a real stressor really, just needs our time. What about the farm, but that is in our hearts so, again, is not a real stressor because it gives us so much back. But the Universe brought us to this place, so why not ask the Universe what to do. Because the energies of the Universe have to stand back sometimes, so that we are brought to the point of having to make our own decisions. They are like the best of parents, helping when necessary, but standing back so that the child can continue to learn and grow.
And so the Universe, I think, is standing back, waiting for us to take those decisions. And what are those decisions? For Lester to let go of his association with the UK company, which will mean letting go of his dependance on the income it provides. For me, to let go of giving readings for people, which always tires me, and never leaves me feeling as if I have done a good job of channelling advice and guidance from the Universe. (There are reasons why this is so, which I shall not go into here).
And the solution: for Lester to give in his notice. For me, to say no to people who want readings. This would free up our time to work on the house and farm, so that we can feed us and those who hopefully will come and stay here.
This is the outcome of our family pow wow yesterday.
Will we follow through? Well I have already refused several requests for readings, and Lester has written, but not emailed, his notice. So we are on the way.
But it might seem unkind of me to not want to help people by giving readings, but I can help people more by continuing to build a portfolio of books,meditation tapes and videos, because it will mean that people who want to self help will connect with me, and not those who want to know what their future holds without any thought at all of helping themselves to get the best for themselves. More than that, for a long time I have been feeling that the powers that be are wanting me to divert away from this type of work, but have kept on channelling through me anyway. "Nudging me" that was has just been said clairaudiently. "but not wanting to give you a strong direction yet, although we would have given you a definite 'stop' to the voice channelling if you were still continuing to do so by the end of this year." Bless them.
Oh dear, I am off loading to you, aren't I! Anyway, after that pow wow we both felt that our load had lightened. I am confident that the Universe will provide whatever money we need to have, and that the way will continue to be shown. It has so far, and there is no reason to think that we shall be abandoned. The constancy of the Universe is something to have respect for, it is a rock solid constancy, never waivers, never diminishes. It is us human beings which doubt, and lack the constancy of trust, both towards each other and the Universe.
But the palpitations continued anyway, even after the healing sleep, and pow wow. I plodded on through the day, and went out for a trip to the local wine brewers to get Lester his drop of wine. A sip of the new season's white wine....and the palpitations suddenly stopped!
And so I must close off this blog entry. I trust that the Universe will continue to help and guide us, providing that I continue to listen to them. I shall miss reading for people, but only because it has made me feel connected to the energies of the Universe, but it has become a non-viable pathway now, so I wait with interest to see what the Universe comes up with next, because when one door closes another one will always open. Remember that. If you are also in a rut and want things to change, then expecting change to come along is foolish unless you realise that accepting the opportunity for change will take courage. Sink or swim? Of course you will swim, providing you keep listening to your inner voice through which the powers that be speak to you.
I still feel a bit wobbly in self, but I am confident that I did receive deep body healing yesterday, and that within twenty four to forty eight hours I shall feel better. I have no palpitations, although feel tight across the throat and upper chest, so my upper heart energies are under change. During the self healing yesterday I did clairvoyantly see a sort of cracking effect on what looked like a sheet of glass, so I was being told to keep going and that those blocked energies will shift.
Sending you peace and love this day, and thankyou for taking the time to read these words.
Thursday, 28 November 2013
A palpitating heart
I woke up with heart palpitations this morning. Not sure why this should be, other than that I am perhaps fretting about getting the links of the new update of Aspects of Self finished. It is an long task, requiring much patience from both myself and my eyes as I scroll up and down the pages, checking that all the links are correct. I sometimes wonder why I put myself through such efforts, but then it was my choice before I came into this earthly existence, so I really must not complain.
And perhaps my palpitation are because I did not balance myself before I went to sleep. I am finding that as I become ever more sensitive and attuned to the energies of the Universe, that my health topples over alarmingly fast when I do not pay attention to keeping in balance.
Now this is alright if one is a monk, or nun, or a hermit, or somesuch other type of person who can devote their days to meditation, solitude, and quietness, but I am a farmgirl living in an old house which is being renovated all about me, trying to keep a spiritual balance whilst my living conditions and lifestyle continually pull me this and that. To try and keep that balance between my higher self and lower self really is difficult for me. That is why I am having heart palpitations. It is my soul self housed in my heart centre, that is what is unhappy about this neglect.
Message to self. Do try and be more patient with yourself. You can only be yourself. And you must make time, before you go to sleep, to make a connection with the energies of the Universe, so that the link between you and them can be a strong one and not a wobbly one, otherwise you will suffer. You will be tired, irritable, and not right in yourself. And most of all, you will not be able to write.
And perhaps my palpitation are because I did not balance myself before I went to sleep. I am finding that as I become ever more sensitive and attuned to the energies of the Universe, that my health topples over alarmingly fast when I do not pay attention to keeping in balance.
Now this is alright if one is a monk, or nun, or a hermit, or somesuch other type of person who can devote their days to meditation, solitude, and quietness, but I am a farmgirl living in an old house which is being renovated all about me, trying to keep a spiritual balance whilst my living conditions and lifestyle continually pull me this and that. To try and keep that balance between my higher self and lower self really is difficult for me. That is why I am having heart palpitations. It is my soul self housed in my heart centre, that is what is unhappy about this neglect.
Message to self. Do try and be more patient with yourself. You can only be yourself. And you must make time, before you go to sleep, to make a connection with the energies of the Universe, so that the link between you and them can be a strong one and not a wobbly one, otherwise you will suffer. You will be tired, irritable, and not right in yourself. And most of all, you will not be able to write.
Monday, 25 November 2013
Surprise blessings
So I was in the middle of lots of busyness in the kitchen, back was aching (no time to reiki this although I should have), mood was dire (should have risen about my lower self mood but wasn't of a mind to because my lower self had captured my attention, pushing my higher self into the background. Oh this battle between higher and lower self. Everyone has it, and I am no exception although my higher self is the winner for long periods of time. It is just when I have lots of farm work to do, and tiredness starts overcoming me, that is when my unlovely lower self slips in and takes control, kicking any thoughts of giving myself healing out of the window for a while, until I can rest and recharge so that my higher self can get back in charge of me, which it always does eventually).
Anyway, as I say, I was up to my elbows in urgent kitchen work, when in walked Vincent and girlfriend, invited in by my husband, bless him. We had forgotten that they had asked to see him milking our cow. The visit was a nuisance. We were both tired.
But we always put a smile on our faces for visitors, so I carried on with my work, chatting when necessary, but not often, because these two young people were French with not a word of English, and I am English with not many words of French, especially if my head is occupied elsewhere. So my husband kept the flow of conversation going because he can speak reasonable French, and I popped in the odd word here and there.
Sat down, needing to grab a quick pause in my work ( I was preparing meat for the freezer) with nothing on my mind other than 'When can I go to bed'. There was no spiritual intent going on with me, and definitely no attunement on my part, if there had of been at that moment I would have channelled it into my tiredness to get me through the last couple of hours of the day, but I was still in my lower self mindset, so all I was doing was listening to the conversation, and hoping that the young couple would go soon.
And then the attunement switch suddenly clicked on. It was the Universe switching it on, not me. I had not asked for attunement, nor had I put up a request to come under attunement. Nevertheless, I had become switched on.
And then a huge flow of warm energy opened up from the middle of me, (the stomach and heart chakras), and then it flooded all over me so that all the chakras became open, and then it flowed out towards the young couple, enveloping them both in a huge tidal wave of healing energy. I do not know why this happened, it just did. And then all the room became flooded with that powerful energy. Meanwhile the conversation in French continued, meanwhile I channelled the energies of the Universe. Not a word did I say, but then I never do when the Universe decides to switch me on and channel healing through me, because if I did start speaking then the flow of energy would stop because my thinking mind would switch off the attunement. Unless of course, the Universe wanted to speak to the people involved, in which case one of the psychic tools (clairaudience or clairvoyance or mediumship) would be woken up and the necessary words given.
I just wanted to share with you that moment though, because it was such a surprise, when I was so tired and deep in my lower self mood, that the Universe still managed to bring me into attunement and channel their energies across to that young couple. It was a privilege to do so, and reminded me to try and keep up on my higher self, especially when tired.
And I wish I could bring you into that moment as well, so that you could have also experienced the power of the moment. And it was nothing to do with me making a request of help for them, because I hadn't.
There is a power beyond us, and it is a warm and mighty power, and it is greater than us, and wiser than us, and if we try and reduce this power into a human-ness, then we both reduce and limit this power, but if we allow it to be what it is meant to be, and accept that we are never likely to understand just what exactly that power is, then that power will do all that it can to help us.
The Universe gave this couple a surprise blessing. They left soon afterwards. I regularly send up a request to the Universe, that anyone who visits us (at Labartere, our farm in SW France) will receive help in whichever way they need it. I suppose that those young couple were picking up their portion of blessings when I became switched on during the cutting up of a table full of meat which was heading for the freezer. Such is the life of a psychic lady trundling along the pathway of her life!
Anyway, as I say, I was up to my elbows in urgent kitchen work, when in walked Vincent and girlfriend, invited in by my husband, bless him. We had forgotten that they had asked to see him milking our cow. The visit was a nuisance. We were both tired.
But we always put a smile on our faces for visitors, so I carried on with my work, chatting when necessary, but not often, because these two young people were French with not a word of English, and I am English with not many words of French, especially if my head is occupied elsewhere. So my husband kept the flow of conversation going because he can speak reasonable French, and I popped in the odd word here and there.
Sat down, needing to grab a quick pause in my work ( I was preparing meat for the freezer) with nothing on my mind other than 'When can I go to bed'. There was no spiritual intent going on with me, and definitely no attunement on my part, if there had of been at that moment I would have channelled it into my tiredness to get me through the last couple of hours of the day, but I was still in my lower self mindset, so all I was doing was listening to the conversation, and hoping that the young couple would go soon.
And then the attunement switch suddenly clicked on. It was the Universe switching it on, not me. I had not asked for attunement, nor had I put up a request to come under attunement. Nevertheless, I had become switched on.
And then a huge flow of warm energy opened up from the middle of me, (the stomach and heart chakras), and then it flooded all over me so that all the chakras became open, and then it flowed out towards the young couple, enveloping them both in a huge tidal wave of healing energy. I do not know why this happened, it just did. And then all the room became flooded with that powerful energy. Meanwhile the conversation in French continued, meanwhile I channelled the energies of the Universe. Not a word did I say, but then I never do when the Universe decides to switch me on and channel healing through me, because if I did start speaking then the flow of energy would stop because my thinking mind would switch off the attunement. Unless of course, the Universe wanted to speak to the people involved, in which case one of the psychic tools (clairaudience or clairvoyance or mediumship) would be woken up and the necessary words given.
I just wanted to share with you that moment though, because it was such a surprise, when I was so tired and deep in my lower self mood, that the Universe still managed to bring me into attunement and channel their energies across to that young couple. It was a privilege to do so, and reminded me to try and keep up on my higher self, especially when tired.
And I wish I could bring you into that moment as well, so that you could have also experienced the power of the moment. And it was nothing to do with me making a request of help for them, because I hadn't.
There is a power beyond us, and it is a warm and mighty power, and it is greater than us, and wiser than us, and if we try and reduce this power into a human-ness, then we both reduce and limit this power, but if we allow it to be what it is meant to be, and accept that we are never likely to understand just what exactly that power is, then that power will do all that it can to help us.
The Universe gave this couple a surprise blessing. They left soon afterwards. I regularly send up a request to the Universe, that anyone who visits us (at Labartere, our farm in SW France) will receive help in whichever way they need it. I suppose that those young couple were picking up their portion of blessings when I became switched on during the cutting up of a table full of meat which was heading for the freezer. Such is the life of a psychic lady trundling along the pathway of her life!
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Go on..... give yourself a smile!
When one is feeling miserable and the world feels like a very unfriendly place, look in the mirror and smile with yourself, not at yourself. Do not be critical of the way you look.... hair all over the place? Doesn't matter. Not happy with your shape? Doesn't matter. No one is perfect, and it is your inner light which is most important. Smiling switches on that inner light, and that, my friend, will then make you into an almost perfect person, because you will then radiate out a warm light to all who see it. So why not start with yourself. Look directly in your own eyes in the mirror. See through whatever you think you see there, like wrinkles and crinkles, look deep into your own eyes, then smile. Let this be a genuine smile, a false one will not work, and let your heart be then uplifted by the smile you give yourself.
The Universe gave this to me early this morning to pass on to you, after I was woken up at three in the morning. This often happens, that I am woken up in the early hours of the day to write, probably because this is the only time of the day when I can have a couple of uninterrupted hours in which to work.
I feel swamped by the amount of work there is to do. A few weeks ago the Universe started posting thoughts into my head about redeveloping Aspects of Self, particularly suggesting that the pages to be white. This I argued about, knowing that the work would be long, but also thinking that white pages would look bland for the reader. This has turned out not to be so. The Universe was right. AOS does look better. And I have been given new sections to add as well, this blog being one of them, although I do not know what it is I am supposed to be writing in them as yet. What I mean is, that I have been given the titles of these new sections but do not know what exactly the content is supposed to be.
So how do I know if it is me suggesting these new sections? Because AOS is big enough as it is, so I would have rather left it at it was. But when the Universe is in suggestion mode, then the suggestion that they post into my mind gets stuck there, so to get it unstuck I have to follow through with the suggestion, even if I don't quite know what I am supposed to be doing with it. If it was my thoughts which had come up with the suggestion / idea, then I would go into planning mode about what I needed to do. If it is an idea coming in from the Universe, then I can't plan because I won't know what it is I am supposed to be writing about until I start work on it.
This blog is a perfect example of what I am talking about. The words 'Diary of a psychic lady' got stuck in my mind and would not be shifted. 'What would I write about', and 'I don't have time to take on another piece of writing', these were my responses to the Universe about starting this blog.
Anyway, yesterday I worked out the template for the blog, and this morning I have made this first post. It will be interesting to see what they inspire me to write about in the future.
Sending blessings to you
The Universe gave this to me early this morning to pass on to you, after I was woken up at three in the morning. This often happens, that I am woken up in the early hours of the day to write, probably because this is the only time of the day when I can have a couple of uninterrupted hours in which to work.
I feel swamped by the amount of work there is to do. A few weeks ago the Universe started posting thoughts into my head about redeveloping Aspects of Self, particularly suggesting that the pages to be white. This I argued about, knowing that the work would be long, but also thinking that white pages would look bland for the reader. This has turned out not to be so. The Universe was right. AOS does look better. And I have been given new sections to add as well, this blog being one of them, although I do not know what it is I am supposed to be writing in them as yet. What I mean is, that I have been given the titles of these new sections but do not know what exactly the content is supposed to be.
So how do I know if it is me suggesting these new sections? Because AOS is big enough as it is, so I would have rather left it at it was. But when the Universe is in suggestion mode, then the suggestion that they post into my mind gets stuck there, so to get it unstuck I have to follow through with the suggestion, even if I don't quite know what I am supposed to be doing with it. If it was my thoughts which had come up with the suggestion / idea, then I would go into planning mode about what I needed to do. If it is an idea coming in from the Universe, then I can't plan because I won't know what it is I am supposed to be writing about until I start work on it.
This blog is a perfect example of what I am talking about. The words 'Diary of a psychic lady' got stuck in my mind and would not be shifted. 'What would I write about', and 'I don't have time to take on another piece of writing', these were my responses to the Universe about starting this blog.
Anyway, yesterday I worked out the template for the blog, and this morning I have made this first post. It will be interesting to see what they inspire me to write about in the future.
Sending blessings to you
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