It has been a busy time here on the farm. No time to remember to connect to the Universe, just head down and keep going.
It was a long day yesterday. Stopped a farm job halfway through. It was nearly midnight. Got to carry on with the job today, and we are tired. And it is so easy to let slip the work I need to do keep my connections with the Universe open when I am this busy, the need to do the work of the moment driving away this most important aspect of my life.
So last night, deep in an exhausted sleep, I was dreaming, but not clearly, just this and that, nothing specific. And then, quite clearly, I saw Maz, our young rottweiller girl, pushing her nose through the partly open door to the Half Barn where we sleep, and coming to sit beside me as I slept. She was alert and watchful, looking at me, and she was in my dreams.
And I knew that she was asleep in her bed in the kitchen, and that the door between us was closed. Nevertheless, there she was, quite clearly, observing me. And it was as if she was looking after me, keeping watch over me, but not in her day time awake way, when she is being her doggy self, but in a quiet way, a soul way, a deep way.
When a friend brought two puppies round to show us last January, she gave Maz to me to hold. I did not want another dog, and definitely not a rottweiller. But Maz gave me a lick, and looked at me in a deep way, and it is as if she chose me, so I had no option but to say I would keep her. And it was put into my head that her sister also needed to stay here, so I said we would also keep her as well.
Years ago, a similar thing happened when we bought Boolie, our Springer Spaniel. I did not want a dog at that time, and definitely not a Spaniel, but the Universe kept on sending me signposts that he was on his way. For instance, I clairvoyantly 'saw' a Springer puppy bouncing down the stairs, and in the library a book about owning Springer Spaniels sort of fell off the shelf at me. But I remained adamant that I would not have that breed of dog, and then he arrived after he chose me to be his new owner, and he has been the best of dogs, looking after my soul self as well as my human self. He has not been the easiest of dogs to have around though, but he has been the best of dogs, and has been an anchor for me when I have temporarily lost my links with the Universe, giving me his soul energy when mine are failing.
I think that several messages were given to me last night. That Boolie will be passing over soon, although he is still in remarkable health for fifteen years of age and carries on as if he were still a puppy. That Maz is going to 'step' into his 'shoes' when that time comes, and will become my soul helper for when my own soul energies are depleted and tiredness is robbing me of the effort to connect to the energies of the Universe directly. That by seeing Maz coming to me in my dreams, I am reminded that I am being looked after, because it was the Universe who would have brought her to me, as I say, to remind me that I not alone.
Oh dear, the day is calling me, but my heart feels warm, and I feel in balance between my soul self and my human self, because a young rottweiller came and brought healing to me in my dreams.
Do you have such a helper in your life?
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