Thursday, 12 December 2013

The moving of myself by Rach 3

Often I play music when working at the computer, but not when I am writing and so need to listen clairaudiently for the Universe to speak to me so I can know what I am supposed to be writing about, because if I can't hear them I can't write. I listen to music when I am needing to edit what has already been written, or when I am working on the updates for the websites. Most time the music becomes background noise after a few minutes. 

So this morning I was working on the links for the new updates for Aspects of Self, and my head was feeling a bit scruffy about doing this, so I went on to YouTube, searched for Rachmaninov 3 Opus 30, which I often listen to. Most times it fades into the background as I work, and only occasionally will my mind be pulled back to the more melodic parts of the piece, but rarely do I stop and actually listen to chunks of it. 

But this morning I did. I landed up being stopped in my tracks. All of me became involved with the pianist, who was Vladimir Horowitz, because he was playing from his heart, and his passion reached into my heart, and it was magnificent. All of me became merged with the sounds he, the orchestra, and Rachmaninov, were making. I could feel the music all over me and especially within my chest. It was a very healing experience. After the music finished I felt like I had been put through a very nice washing machine, all cleaned up and sparkly, with my heart centre filled up with a huge warmth. Gosh. 

When someone speaks from the heart, whether it be via music, or words, then that person will make you pay attention to them, because they are sharing their soul energy with you, which will then make your own soul respond. It is a very healing experience to have. 

Here is Mr Horowitz playing the Rach3: 

He made mistakes, but that only enriches the experience of listening to him, because he was making his best effort, which was stupendous. The piano he was playing on did not have the best sound, he played occasional wrong notes, and in the beginning he sounded out of step with the orchestra. And that is the beauty of it all. Because his heart was the place from which he was playing the music, and that then makes his playing as perfect as it can get. To listen to music which is technically perfect but not played from the heart, well, that will allow that music to be pushed into the background and not be heard properly. But Mr Horowitz made me hear the Rach 3 as if for the first time. Plus I received a good dose of healing, which was a lovely bonus, especially because it was unexpected. 

So off I go into my day. Lots of things to do. Do you listen to music? Do you get 'moved'? I hope you do, because it heals the heart, which brings the mind and soul into balance. So if you haven't been 'moved' yet, and are not able to share a similar experience to that which I have just had, never mind, keep on going, you might in the future!

.... and sending a 'thank you' up to Mr Horowitz, wherever his soul now is, because he is no longer with us in person.


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