When one is feeling miserable and the world feels like a very unfriendly place, look in the mirror and smile with yourself, not at yourself. Do not be critical of the way you look.... hair all over the place? Doesn't matter. Not happy with your shape? Doesn't matter. No one is perfect, and it is your inner light which is most important. Smiling switches on that inner light, and that, my friend, will then make you into an almost perfect person, because you will then radiate out a warm light to all who see it. So why not start with yourself. Look directly in your own eyes in the mirror. See through whatever you think you see there, like wrinkles and crinkles, look deep into your own eyes, then smile. Let this be a genuine smile, a false one will not work, and let your heart be then uplifted by the smile you give yourself.
The Universe gave this to me early this morning to pass on to you, after I was woken up at three in the morning. This often happens, that I am woken up in the early hours of the day to write, probably because this is the only time of the day when I can have a couple of uninterrupted hours in which to work.
I feel swamped by the amount of work there is to do. A few weeks ago the Universe started posting thoughts into my head about redeveloping Aspects of Self, particularly suggesting that the pages to be white. This I argued about, knowing that the work would be long, but also thinking that white pages would look bland for the reader. This has turned out not to be so. The Universe was right. AOS does look better. And I have been given new sections to add as well, this blog being one of them, although I do not know what it is I am supposed to be writing in them as yet. What I mean is, that I have been given the titles of these new sections but do not know what exactly the content is supposed to be.
So how do I know if it is me suggesting these new sections? Because AOS is big enough as it is, so I would have rather left it at it was. But when the Universe is in suggestion mode, then the suggestion that they post into my mind gets stuck there, so to get it unstuck I have to follow through with the suggestion, even if I don't quite know what I am supposed to be doing with it. If it was my thoughts which had come up with the suggestion / idea, then I would go into planning mode about what I needed to do. If it is an idea coming in from the Universe, then I can't plan because I won't know what it is I am supposed to be writing about until I start work on it.
This blog is a perfect example of what I am talking about. The words 'Diary of a psychic lady' got stuck in my mind and would not be shifted. 'What would I write about', and 'I don't have time to take on another piece of writing', these were my responses to the Universe about starting this blog.
Anyway, yesterday I worked out the template for the blog, and this morning I have made this first post. It will be interesting to see what they inspire me to write about in the future.
Sending blessings to you
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