Sunday, 8 December 2013

A few words about destiny.

I have not yet researched 'Om....', which I said that I was going to do in yesterday's post, but I just wanted to say that I am wavering between panic about going into this new stage in the journey of my life, and excitement about at last being able to have some idea of the reasons for my existence. During most of my adult life I have had no definition what it is I am supposed to do in life. Others make goals and expectations about what they want and what they think they need out of life, but I never have. Always it has been as if I have bounced along, always trying to catch up with myself as my life has gone this way and that way, making people think that I am inept, even weak. 

And yet this bouncing about and having no definition of purpose has given me a huge amount of life lessons to learn, and I now feel brimful with wisdom. But yet I was not really bouncing about. What I was doing was tackling the opportunities that came along in my life, opportunities which were given to me by the Universe, opportunities that enabled me to prepare for my destiny. And how grand that sounds. Destiny. But I have always felt that I was heading towards my destiny, although what that was supposed to be remained undefined. But then, if I had been made aware of that destiny, I would probably have gone off in another direction, panicking, saying 'I can't do that', and possibly even killing the opportunity to achieve my destiny stone cold dead. 

So when I look back, I can see that I was never really 'bouncing along', that there was a plan which I working my way through, which was a pathway that was taking me towards my destiny which was hidden in the mists of the future.

All I ever asked for in regards to my life was that perhaps I would be able to have a place in which to work for the Universe. I never defined where this place would be or what it should look like. I made no expectations at all. Just mentioned that perhaps it would be good to have a place where people could come for rest and recovery. Along the way this has broadened out to wanting to give this help via the Internet as well.

So what is 'destiny'? It is a burning need within one's self to do something, although what that something is remains mostly unknown. Destiny lies within the heart, and not in one's head, and has nothing to do with wanting money, wanting fame, wanting an 'ideal place', or wanting to live in a place of one's choice. Destiny is about letting go all of those demands on one's self, and leaving one's self in the hands of the Universe. Destiny is about trusting that all will be well, somehow. Destiny is about not letting money be the driving force, that working for financial security can be very limiting to the achieving of one's destiny.  

I have always felt out of step with myself, never knowing who I am. Now I am closer to achieving my destiny I feel like I am settling into myself, that all the various parts of me are coming together, but not forced together by the expectations of my mind, but glued with a glue which is unbreakable by the efforts of myself to keep in step with the Universe, which has always held the key to my destiny. Learning to listen, and work with, the energies of the Universe, that is what has glued me together. It has taken effort.

Have you a destiny? Perhaps, if want to let go of what you think you should have in life. Letting go of expectations, that is what points you in the direction of your destiny, which also includes not allowing those expectations to create a  do-it-yourself destiny, because a true destiny will always remain hidden until you have almost arrived at it, although preparation will have been ongoing throughout life. 

True destiny has to be earned. It never arrives without effort. It requires a determination to keep on going when things get tough. It requires patience with self, and those around. It requires being positive as much as one can. It is hard work. Ah, but that feeling of becoming glued together, that is the best of feelings. And that feeling of being in step with one's life's journey, that is also the best. 

Bless you for reading these words, and I hope that they encourage you to keep going forward to what is, hopefully, your very own destiny, providing you let go of all your expectations about life, because these will divert you away from achieving your own special destiny.



  1. We are reading and we are listening. Thank you for these words, Vera. They are wise, and thoughtful, and useful.

    In love and light this sunny Sunday,

    Denise and Co.

  2. Glad you were able to connect with the message the Universe was trying to give us, Denise.


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