Monday, 25 November 2013

Surprise blessings

So I was in the middle of lots of busyness in the kitchen, back was aching (no time to reiki this although I should have), mood was dire (should have risen about my lower self mood but wasn't of a mind to because my lower self had captured my attention, pushing my higher self into the background. Oh this battle between higher and lower self. Everyone has it, and I am no exception although my higher self is the winner for long periods of time. It is just when I have lots of farm work to do, and tiredness starts overcoming me, that is when my unlovely lower self slips in and takes control, kicking any thoughts of giving myself healing out of the window for a while, until I can rest and recharge so that my higher self can get back in charge of me, which it always does eventually).

Anyway, as I say, I was up to my elbows in urgent kitchen work, when in walked Vincent and girlfriend, invited in by my husband, bless him. We had forgotten that they had asked to see him milking our cow. The visit was a nuisance. We were both tired. 

But we always put a smile on our faces for visitors, so I carried on with my work, chatting when necessary, but not often, because these two young people were French with not a word of English, and I am English with not many words of French, especially if my head is occupied elsewhere. So my husband kept the flow of conversation going because he can speak reasonable French, and I popped in the odd word here and there. 

Sat down, needing to grab a quick pause in my work ( I was preparing meat for the freezer) with nothing on my mind other than 'When can I go to bed'. There was no spiritual intent going on with me, and definitely no attunement on my part, if there had of been at that moment I would have channelled it into my tiredness to get me through the last couple of hours of the day, but I was still in my lower self mindset, so all I was doing was listening to the conversation, and hoping that the young couple would go soon.

And then the attunement switch suddenly clicked on. It was the Universe switching it on, not me. I had not asked for attunement, nor had I put up a request to come under attunement. Nevertheless, I had become switched on. 

And then a huge flow of warm energy opened up from the middle of me, (the stomach and heart chakras), and then it flooded all over me so that all the chakras became open, and then it flowed out towards the young couple, enveloping them both in a huge tidal wave of healing energy. I do not know why this happened, it just did. And then all the room became flooded with that powerful energy. Meanwhile the conversation in French continued, meanwhile I channelled the energies of the Universe. Not a word did I say, but then I never do when the Universe decides to switch me on and channel healing through me, because if I did start speaking then the flow of energy would stop because my thinking mind would switch off the attunement. Unless of course, the Universe wanted to speak to the people involved, in which case one of the psychic tools (clairaudience or clairvoyance or mediumship) would be woken up and the necessary words given. 

I just wanted to share with you that moment though, because it was such a surprise, when I was so tired and deep in my lower self mood, that the Universe still managed to bring me into attunement and channel their energies across to that young couple. It was a privilege to do so, and reminded me to try and keep up on my higher self, especially when tired. 

And I wish I could bring you into that moment as well, so that you could have also experienced the power of the moment. And it was nothing to do with me making a request of help for them, because I hadn't. 

There is a power beyond us, and it is a warm and mighty power, and it is greater than us, and wiser than us, and if we try and reduce this power into a human-ness,  then we both reduce and limit this power, but if we allow it to be what it is meant to be, and accept that we are never likely to understand just what exactly that power is, then that power will do all that it can to help us. 

The Universe gave this couple a surprise blessing. They left soon afterwards. I regularly send up a request to the Universe, that anyone who visits us (at Labartere, our farm in SW France) will receive help in whichever way they need it. I suppose that those young couple were picking up their portion of blessings when I became switched on during the cutting up of a table full of meat which was heading for the freezer. Such is the life of a psychic lady trundling along the pathway of her life!


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