Thursday, 28 November 2013

A palpitating heart

I woke up with heart palpitations this morning. Not sure why this should be, other than that I am perhaps fretting about getting the links of the new update of Aspects of Self finished. It is an long task, requiring much patience from both myself and my eyes as I scroll up and down the pages, checking that all the links are correct. I sometimes wonder why I put myself through such efforts, but then it was my choice before I came into this earthly existence, so I really must not complain.

And perhaps my palpitation are because I did not balance myself before I went to sleep. I am finding that as I become ever more sensitive and attuned to the energies of the Universe, that my health topples over alarmingly fast when I do not pay attention to keeping in balance.

Now this is alright if one is a monk, or nun, or a hermit, or somesuch other type of person who can devote their days to meditation, solitude, and quietness, but I am a farmgirl living in an old house which is being renovated all about me, trying to keep a spiritual balance whilst my living conditions and lifestyle continually pull me this and that. To try and keep that balance between my higher self and lower self really is difficult for me. That is why I am having heart palpitations. It is my soul self housed in my heart centre, that is what is unhappy about this neglect. 

Message to self. Do try and be more patient with yourself. You can only be yourself. And you must make time, before you go to sleep, to make a connection with the energies of the Universe, so that the link between you and them can be a strong one and not a wobbly one, otherwise you will suffer. You will be tired, irritable, and not right in yourself. And most of all, you will not be able to write.


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