Wednesday 26 February 2014

Experiencing remote healing.....

I am continuing to be in up and down mode, but less so. February has been a curious month. Sometimes I have felt very angry for no reason, then I have felt very calm and positive, and today I have woken up with an energy and purpose which has been severely lacking for last couple of months.

So what happened to bring me into a more stable state of being? Positive thinking, self healing, and spending an hour linking in with a Denise, a long time friend of mine who  used to sit in a healing and development circle with me. We both miss those circle evenings, which had a warmth and companionship which neither of us have ever found in any other circles we have sat in since. We have often spoke about how much we miss the work which that circle did, especially the healing, but since she still lives in the UK and I now live in France there was no way that we could ever physically sit with each other again.

But we could sit remotely, with her in her quiet room and me in a quite place, on the same day, at the same time, which would then make a connection between us and with the Powers That Be. Both of us needed to have the healing which would come to us through the building up of this two person group, both of us needed to re-new our connections with the Universe, and both needed help with our direction in life.

So a week ago we did this, and it is since then that I have strongly felt the direction in which I need to go. My health is better, I feel less tired, more centred, and happier in myself. And all I did was sit in a remote circle with a friend.

This is what Denise emailed me about the experience she had during the circle:

"Well, Circle Chum, I sustained 40 minutes and now it seems important that I share with you what happened, like we used to share in your back garden circles.

So, first there was a waterfall. It started as one of those massive ones you see in pictures of the rainforest - all tall and narrow and quite dark. As I watched, it turned into something smaller, lighter and with a friendlier feel to it.

And then I was half way up a hill with a kite tied to my ear. The kite had a long red tail on it, which then grew and unfurled into huge ribbons all the colours of a rainbow.

I felt a very heavy pair of hands on the top of my head. I was visited by a Japanese lady in full kimono dress ( pale blue with pale pink blossom pattern). Her name is Oshi Yama, she had a kind face (difficult to put an age to - neither old or young) and she is a healer, bless her.

Then I was transported into the form of a white dog with long flappy ears and I was hanging my head from a car window as it travelled down a country lane. I could see the route we were travelling very clearly through my right eye only, but couldn't sustain the link far enough to see any destination.

 Immediately I felt curled into a safe ball and was lifted into the heart of a water lily - white with a pink tinge. Feeling very tired at this point and could quite cheerfully have gone to sleep for the night. But I asked for guidance for the new healing circle and was given, 'Home to Home, Heart to Heart Meditation and Healing Circle.' And that I was to set up a new blog, where sittings could be recorded and experiences shared. There will be a direct e-mail contact set up and I was to be prepared for a couple of rogues' whilst the guides working with the circle set up a protection.

 Lastly, I made a healing prayer for you, Sue, flood victims, family and friends in general and for myself, the ability to set aside material worries.

I asked for blessings on this circle. And then I was wide awake and writing stuff down in a little notebook! "
Wow! The Universe had really connected with Denise, and had given her the name of the new remote healing circle that she is setting up with another friend of hers. The Universe had worked clairvoyantly and clairaudiently with her, and I have no doubt that she has increased her ability to work with these sensitivities. She had also been given awareness of a Japanese spirit guide healer who will work with her when the time is right.

As for me, I received, and sent out, healing. It is difficult to describe what it feels like when this is happening because it is energy work so there is not the 'seeing' of clairvoyance, or the 'hearing' of clairaudience, or the 'direct voice channelling' of mediumship, it is the 'sensing and feeling' of clairsentience, which is the most refined of all our psychic sensitivities. So I cannot adequately describe what it felt like to be receiving those healing energies, nor what it felt like to channel those healing energies to those who I knew needed healing, and also for Denise and her partner.

Ongoing from that very valuable evening is that Denise has now set up the healing blog with another friend of hers, which is Home to Heart Meditation and Healing Circle. It will be a remote healing group, globally connecting people who need healing. All people need to do is find a quiet place at the time given on the blog, light a candle, and relax. You can email Denise if you want to know more, and the email address is on the Home to Heart blog page. The first evening will be Monday 3rd March 2014, at 7.30 pm GMT.

As for me, there has been changes to the way in which my husband and myself share the workload of our smallholding, leaving me with much more time to do my writing work. As a consequence I feel much lighter in self, less pressurized, and more balanced, as if I am doing what I was meant to be doing.

So if you would like to receive healing via the remote healing circle of Denise and her friend, just let them know who you are so they can focus on you. And if you would like to know more about my work then go to Aspects of Self.

Blessings be with you


You can read more about healing here.


  1. The wonders of remote healing. Sending positive energies out is good for the whole world. So glad you have reconnected with a way to help you along your path. Thank you for your visit to my blog.

  2. Hello Carrie, and thank you for visiting my blog. Remote healing is a powerful tool for helping all situations, and I feel blessed that I am able to do this for people, and our world. Bless you for stopping by, and I love the photos on your blog and will visit with you again. Vx


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