Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Music in my head

It has been a trying few days, when I have sort of fallen out of the saddle in regards to my direction in life, my destiny. It is easy to do when life gets busy and not enough attention is paid to keeping in balance with the Universe. Oh the Universe stays where it is, but it is I who wander away from the links, letting my head start ruling the hours of the day, with its lower self demands. In the end I feel low in health and low in spirits. This is when I start floundering.

About nine days ago I was out in the far field. It was a lovely morning and I was scything grass to give to our Tamworth pigs for their breakfast. Often I stop to enjoy the morning, which I often do no matter what the weather is doing, sometimes to catch my breath, sometimes to watch our dogs romping, sometimes to sharpen the scythe, sometimes to just stop and look.

So while I was having a 'stop and look' moment, quite clearly in to my head I heard the Rodesky march. It was the Universe pressing my doorbell, asking me to pay attention to them. Playing music clairaudiently to us is a good way for the Universe to get our attention, but it is not normally tunes we would be familiar with, or would have heard recently, and the Rodesky march was definitely not a tune I had heard since I don't know when. So I stopped what I was doing, and stood, and went into the music. It did not play for long, just a second or two, but long enough for the Universe to post in clairvoyantly the 'seeing' of  double doors opening and a long red carpet stretching into the distance. Keep going, that is what the Universe was trying to tell me.

But I was still in balance, so I thanked them, and carried on with the day. Ah, but the Universe could see that I was heading into a 'down time', because a day or so later in came the tune to Shanandoah, and with it the words, 'Keep going'. A day or two later, and down I crashed, taking a tumble  from my higher self pathway, which left be dwelling in the world of my lower self, which is not a nice place to be, especially when I have spent the last three months updating Aspects of Self (my psychic website), and am just about ready to upload the new edits on to the Internet. But for some reason, I feel afraid of doing this, my lower self busy telling me that I can't do it, that no one is going to read it, that it is a waste of time, and so why don't I stop messing about with all this mountain of work which is needing to be done if we are going to open as a rest and recovery centre for people this year, and no, the books will never sell, the pendulums and crystals will not sell either, and Lester and I will have to go find other jobs to fund Labartere, which is then going to stop Labartere from being a source of connection between the Universe and us human beings, which is not why we were given the inspiration to come to France in the first place, and if I don't carry on, then all the efforts so far would have been a waste of time.

The Universe smiles at me as if I am a spirited child, and stands patiently beside me, knowing that sooner or later, when I start having chest pains, headaches, and despondency, that I shall remember those tunes they played me a few days ago, especially the 'seeing' of the red carpet stretching ahead of me, so I can find my way back to my destiny pathway, so that they can start working with me again, because this is what needs to happen if Labartere is to become what it could become. But it will take me a day or two to get back in sync with the Universe, but writing these words to you is a start.

If you 'hear' a few bars of music played in your mind when you are least expecting it, then pay attention as well. It is the Universe playing your doorbell, and by standing and listening to the music, then you will receive either a few words clairaudiently, or a clairvoyant picture. Take notice. It will help you keep on your higher self pathway, and stop that oh so strong lower self of yours from interfering.


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