Saturday, 21 October 2017

October 2017

..... on writing, and how it is for me when I get out of sync with myself.
Sometimes it is hard to write about my life. The words seem to get grid locked in my head, sort of like a verbal constipation, which is why I have not written about my life as an intuitive psychic lady for a couple of years although I have kept my other blog going (Snippets from Labartere) but even that has been in a rest period for while now.

But here I am, and it looks like my writing pathway is opening up again. I hope so because when I am not writing I feel incomplete because when the words are flowing through me I feel connected to the energies of the Universe and this is what makes me feel as if all the different parts of me are joined into one unit.

Writing is difficult for me because I have to have an empty head to do it. Others will plan what they want to write but I do not, because if I do then the writing will be rubbish because the words come from my lower self which does not have the skill to write well whereas my higher self, which is my intuitive soul self, that is the part of me which connects with the Universe, and that is the part of me which has the capacity to create the written word. It is also the part of me which can channel words of wisdom, advice, and healing, but unfortunately my lower self often squashes this connection due to the day to day pressures of my daily life.

I could stop the over ruling of my higher self by my lower self if I were to meditate every day, but I don't. And this is very naughty of me because then my lower and higher selves become fractured and then I become ill, becoming tired and run down at first, then progressively becoming worse if I do not pay attention to this division of my two selves.

It has taken me many years to understand the connection between my higher and lower selves, that if these two parts of me are out of sync then overall I can become very unwell. This was finally brought to my attention last year, when after a sequence of very stressful experiences I found myself in bed, full of pain, and hardly able to move. I became very worried about myself, thinking that this was now the end of my life, that at the age of 69 I was finished.

So I started searching on the internet for what could possibly be wrong with me, and found that I had the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and that the condition had been with me for most of my adult life. And I finally came to realise that the condition was brought on by my lack of holistic care of myself. That I had allowed the pressures of life to rupture my connection with the Universe which is such a vital part of me, that without this connection I cannot function properly. With the help of the Universe I got myself well again, but it was a long haul.

It is difficult to find the space in which to meditate when you are at home all day. Always there are things to be done, especially when you also have a mixed farm to look after. There is always something unexpected happening and the workload required to manage our animals and land does take a lot of time and effort. It is a worthwhile lifestyle though and one that I would not want to change, so I have learnt to be careful about keeping the balance of myself, and try to keep mindful that the  energies of the Universe surround me at all times, even when I am swamped by the work of the farm such as at harvest time when we have such a bounty of fruit and veg all of which have to be processed for storage. Trying to meditate to keep the balance between my higher and lower self so I can keep a good connection with the Universe is difficult at such times, because if I do sit down to meditate I will inevitably fall asleep.

But the Universe is helping me with this because recently I have been connected to a meditation group which is away from the farm, which makes it easier for me to relax and focus on meditating. The weekly meetings are fast becoming my spiritual top up. I come away from the group feeling as if my internal batteries have been recharged, but as the week goes by I can feel that battery gradually running out of charge.

So, may I pass this learning on to you........ that all our lives are busy, and it is easy to become out of sync with your higher soul self and your lower earthly self, and that if the gap between the two gets too wide then you are likely to suffer from some form of ill health. Instead of rushing to the doctor why don't you make the effort to get your two selves balanced, which will be of greater value to you than taking a whole bunch of pills. Meditation does not mean sitting in a yoga position for hours on end chanting mantras, but it does mean learning to quieten the mind. There are lots of ways to do this, and you need to find the right way for you, and once you do then you will start feeling the magic of being at one with the energies of the Universe.

But I have kept you long enough, so I need to close this blog. I hope you are able to make a start at getting the two parts of yourself in sync with each other.

In love and light,



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