I have not had a proper place to sit, and think, and connect with the Universe. I used to have two rooms back when I lived in the UK, one I used as a study and the other I used for channelling readings and healing. They were my own spaces, somewhere I could retreat to, somewhere where everything was in its own place, like my healing table, my readings table, my special 'thinking' chair, my writing space, my book shelves, my desk.
But that was in the 'before' time, because nearly six years ago we came to France and I had to leave all that behind. Not that I mind, because the life I now live is so much healthier for me in every way. But not having those spaces made me feel as if part of me was missing, which then encouraged me to put to the back of my mind the presence of the Universe although the energies of the Universe frequently tried to get me to remember that they were there. Often I felt starved of this connection, which made me feel as if I was not quite right in myself. Not writing as well made me feel disconnected from my creative self. And I was a changing person as well. The person I was back in the UK was left behind as our life here became the new reality for me, and often I felt as if I was metamorphosing from one state of being into another state of being. I often felt that I did not know who I was anymore, that I had lost my identity somehow.
But now life is settling down here. Lester, my husband, now works full time on the farm which frees me up from farm jobs, so I am able to focus on my work on behalf of the Universe, although I am not sure of what exactly is required of me. So, for the moment, I focus on Aspects of Self, and my other writing work. And I have felt a need to find a space in which I can sit and think.
I have brought to France my rocking chair, and that was the chair in which I used to sit for quiet times with the powers that be, but it is now near my sewing area and because there is no storage area for my sewing projects I use any handy surface available, which also includes the rocking chair. It has been piled high with stuff, and I have not been able to sit in it for months.
But the other day, quite clearly into my mind, came the hugest of urges to get the chair clear of clutter, which I did. Then I sat down in the chair. And I felt myself immediately connect to the energies of the Universe. It was as if they were waiting for me to do so. As if I had been a long time away.
I do have a chair in the kitchen which I have sometimes been able to relax in and connect, but most times I maintain an awareness that I need to tidy up and do kitchen related work, but the rocking chair is in the half barn, which is a quieter and less cluttered area, and sits beneath one of the velux windows in the roof. The tipping backward action of the rocking chair tilts my face upwards to this window so that I can see the sky, or the stars, depending on the time of day. Perhaps it is this that encourages me to relax sufficiently to be able to make that connection with the powers that be.
I have often spoken about mantras and chanting, and it is right to say that I am able to make attunement with the Universe when I do this, but it feels like a different type of connection when I sit in my rocking chair. It is the same with reiki. Again, it is a different type of connection to that which I have when I sit in my chair. I go deep when I am in my chair. I feel great swooshes of energy when I am in my chair. I feel a strong and pure connection with the powers that be of the Universe when I am in my chair.
I don't use the chair much. What I mean is that I don't sit in it to read a book, or to chat with other people, it is not used in a general way, and I have come to realise that it is a good thing to have a chair such as this, one which is not in general use, one that just sits and wait for those moments when one has time to make that valuable connection with the Universe. It is as if the chair is a psychic zone of energy, a sort of small portal between us and where our souls come from.
So it is important to makes these small spaces where we can, perhaps in the corner of a bedroom, or lounge, or even hallway. To put a comfortable chair in that space, one which is not huge and not to spongy, meaning that the chair should be quite firm and hold the spine firmly, but not rigid as in an upright dining chair, so perhaps a rocking chair then, one which tilts backwards a little bit when sat in, one that holds the body firmly but softly, one with arm rests so the hands can sit comfortably, that then is the best of chairs to have.
To maybe have a place for a candle nearby, although I do not have such a place near my chair, but I do have the skylight above my head which seems to serve the purpose of a candle.
And to only use that chair as a place of quiet refuge, for when times are tough, for when something good has happened and you want to thank the Universe for such a gift, for when you want to meditate, or ask for healing, or would like to be a healing channel. And that chair will become a special place, because every time you sit down on it you will find it easier to make attunement with the powers that be.
But not to let others use that chair because then the energies of that person may interfere with the energies you have been building up when you have used it as a place of meditation and attunement for yourself. Let that chair be special to you alone, if you can.
And this is what has happened with my rocking chair in the UK. It was used as a place of meditation, healing, and attunement with the powers that be and no one else used it, so the chair built up its own special energy, which stayed with it during the move here and its subsequent storage, until it was eventually put in the half barn. And although it has been mostly used as a place of storage since then, that special energy which had been built up during my psychic work in the UK stayed with it, so that when I was given the push from the Universe to get it cleared of the stuff sitting on it, that as soon as I sat down the energy which it still had wrapped itself around me, and that, coupled with the Universe making its connection to me, gave me a wonderful moment as both the Universe and me came into complete union.
Unfortunately this total union did not last long because the reality of my life beckoned me away, but it was magical moment which has been subsequently repeated.
So, my message to you this day is...... find yourself a comfy chair as given in my description above. Put it in a quiet corner somewhere, it does not matter where providing there are no people moving around you. Start going to this chair whenever you feel the need to be quiet, or have things on your mind, or want to say a prayer of thanks, or need to ask for help, or want to send healing, or want to receive healing, or just want to make a comforting connection with the energies of the Universe. You do not have to stay in that chair for hours on end, just visit that chair when you have a need to. And the energies of the chair will grow, so that eventually that chair will welcome you to it like a long lost friend.
Try it. I need to sort out the general area in which my chair sits, although its energies are strong already. I need the healing that comes to me when I sit in the chair. I also need the inspiration for writing, (the title for this blog and the Snippets blog were given to me when I sat for a few minutes in the chair yesterday)
I hope you are able to find a special chair, and be able to place that chair somewhere in your home, and not to sit in that chair for surfing the internet, chatting to friends, or watching TV, but to keep that chair as a quiet space for yourself and the Universe.
God bless you my friend, and enjoy your chair.....
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