Friday, 17 October 2014

When people pass over......

Dawn this morning at Labartere

When people pass over it is a sad time for those they leave behind. They think of the person now not in life, and wish them back with them still. And yet that person who has died has not finished their life, they have just changed dimensions, that's all.

How can I say such a thing? Because my experience has given me such a knowledge. That at a concert last Saturday, moments before I went on stage with the choir I accompany on the piano, I asked my Mum and Dad to give me the courage to play well. It was a huge theatre we were in, and the stage easily seated a ninety piece orchestra, and I was going to stand at a keyboard and play the accompaniment to only one of the nine songs that our little choir was going to sing, so really it was not such a big thing to do, only it was for me, because there were a lot of people watching the concert and I didn't want to let the choir down, and it was my first time of doing so........

I have never asked Mum and Dad for help in that way. Normally I send my thoughts up to the Universe, never to family members who have passed over. But on this occasion I did. And I did manage to play the song alright, despite playing a C major chord at the beginning of the piece instead of the expected D major. Fortunately my error was brought to my attention by Juliette, our conductor, sending me a questioning glance. But I didn't panic, just smiled at the audience, Juliette, and the choir, and carried on. No use to get into a fluff when one makes a mistake. Better to move on quickly and get the job done. Then afterwards one can get cross at one's self, perhaps even indulging in a moment of belated panic, but at least the original is spared.

The concert was a big event. And as I watched the rest of the concert Mum and Dad came to me, coming in on the upper left. In the air they were, but not to be seen as if in real life though, but clairvoyantly, which means that although they could not be seen in human terms, (so no one else present could have seen them) the extra sensitivity of clairvoyance enabled me to do just that.

But was it my imagination? No, because Mum and Dad appeared arm in arm, looking the same as they did the day they got married, when they were young, when the years were still before them. They looked smooth faced, happy, and at peace. I could never have imagined them looking like that. My memory of them is of how they were just before they died, their faces showing the years they had got behind them. That is how I know that there is somewhere we go to when we pass over.

Where is that place? Some call it 'Heaven', and I suppose it is in a way because there is not the stress which accompanies life as a human being in that environment. But my experience says that it is a place which is indefinable to our human selves, that it is a completely different type of existence, that when we die we leave our human self here, but that there is an energy which is the 'soul energy', which does the actual 'passing over'. That is all I shall say at the moment, because this is a complicated subject which I understand with my senses rather than by my intellect, but the reality of our existence here on Earth is far more that the limitations imposed on us by our human way of thinking. (If you would like to read more about the cycle of life, then please go here.)

There was a time when I didn't have this knowledge, when I did not have the awareness that my psychic self now does, when I was in my thirties. And I remember my Nan dying, and the great hole this left in my life, and of how the crying pain burnt deep within my heart such that it was almost a physical pain. I did cry the pain out eventually. I did heal. When my father died some years later I coped better, although my life at that time was tangled up like a ball of knotted string as I had life lesson, after life lesson, after life lesson, to learn, but was becoming more intuitive and psychically aware as a result. And I remember standing in the florist's shop preparing to buy the flowers for his funeral when quite clearly, coming in on my left ear, my Dad said, 'Send Mum some flowers from me'. So I stood there with my mouth open, not knowing what to say or do. But under this instruction from my now passed over father, I did just that. I sent her some red roses. But what to say on the attached note? Just: "Dad asked me to send these to you just before he died". They must have come as a surprise to her. I don't think she ever quite forgave me. But I had to do what he wanted. Could I have imagined his voice? Absolutely not, because for years my father had hardly said a word to me. It has only since he has passed over that he and I are no longer estranged, but that is for me to tell you about another time.

I know that when I pass over I shall go gracefully. And I hope that my words have given you some comfort about the nature of life, that if you have someone dear to you who you have 'lost' through death, be glad that once they were with you in their human form, but know that they are still with you. So when you think you feel their presence, you are not imagining it. Speak to them as if they are still in life as you once knew them, and be glad that they are still with you. They still love you, and are still as they used to be but without the difficulties attached to living life as a human being.

(You can read more about what I have written here)

The dawning of a new day here at Labartere,
I hope that your day is full of light, love and peace.

God bless you,


Sunday, 28 September 2014

Undoing the knitting, and 'Who is that at your shoulder'?

I knit. Always have done. Takes me ages though, not because I am a slow knitter, but because I do so many other things. Not to worry, most of the knitted items I start always get finished. I like to have knitting on the go, even if I only occasionally do a row. Anyway, this morning I thought I would do a couple of rows of knitting while I waited for the kettle to boil. I am currently working on the front section of a lacy jumper I am making for myself. I have already done the back, so thought I would have measure of the back and front to see how far I needed to go before the armhole was reached. It was with some despair that I realised that I had gone wrong on the certain patterning on the front, so back and front did not look the same. Oooooohhh, blast it!!!! 

Now I could have done several  things: 1) I could have left it and carried on anyway, but never been satisfied with the jumper after it was finished, because for as long as I had the jumper I would be conscious of that error. 2) I could have thrown it in the cupboard and never looked at it again. 3) I could have given up and unpicked the whole jumper in temper. 4) I could have put the knitting to one side to sort out later, which would have meant probably never.

None of these were an option. What I did do was take a deep breath, take the knitting off the needles, and unravel it back to where the front matched the back so that it is ready for me to put it back on the needles and start again later on today.

And it came to me that this is like my life. That often I have made errors of judgement, taken decisions which were not particularly wise to do. Some I have corrected immediately, some I have left until another time to sort out, some I have put away in the cupboards of my mind there to fester away quite merrily, because my mind knows that there is something there which should not be there, so will open up those cupboard doors from time to time to remind me that certain things in my life need seeing to, thinking about, resolving. 

So, reviewing the things I could have done with my knitting, comparing it with my life:

1) 'I could have left it and carried on anyway, but never been satisfied with the jumper after it was finished, because for as long as I had the jumper I would be conscious of that error'.......

I could have carried on with certain pathways in my life, even if I was not happy and it felt wrong to be doing what I was doing. But I would not allow myself to have the courage to make the necessary changes that would alter those pathways, so I would have stayed stuck where I was, never being happy with my life, perhaps later on in life becoming quite bitter about the way things had become for me.  

Fortunately this never happened. I have always moved forward in life, have never stayed in an unhappy rut, always fought to find a way out, and I have always eventually won through, learning many life lessons along the way. 

2) 'I could have thrown it in the cupboard and never looked at it again'

 Ah, now this I have done in life, when certain situations have arisen which I did not know how to cope with, so I threw them into the cupboards of my mind and tried to forget them, only they never would be forgotten, and they have come back out of those mental cupboards, and I have dealt with them, and my mind is more peaceful as a result. It is alright to push things away into your own cupboards, but only allow it to be temporary, as those unhappy memories will taint your thinking and spoil your future. It can be a painful experience to revisit the past, but if you do so with a positive mind, then the experience will cease to be painful and you will feel better in yourself as a result. 

3) 'I could have given up and unpicked the whole jumper in temper'......

I have often tried to give up when life has been difficult, and my temper is a roaring rage of a temper when it happens, such that I have made myself have strokes and high blood pressure when the temper-mode hits me. Learning to control my temper is must, otherwise it will most surely kill me off. This is life lesson which is on-going for me. As for 'giving up'....... I try to, but the spirit within me won't let me!

4) 'I could have put the knitting to one side to sort out later, which would have meant probably never'............

Ah now, this one strikes home, because there are things I need to do in life connected to my 'calling / destiny', which I do keep pushing to one side for various reasons, but I would correct the 'probably never' part to 'I hope to have the energy and courage to have a go at those options which the Universe has given me, but which I feel unsure / insecure / not confident', about taking.

So, '..none of these were an option. What I did do was take a deep breath, take the knitting off the needles, and unravel it back to where the front matched the back so that it is ready for me to put it back on the needles and start again'.... 

This I can truly apply to how I am, that when things get a bit difficult, that I do take a deep breath, think through (with the help of the Universe) the difficulty, if necessary going back to the start (particularly when writing my books), or re-position myself (when I need to let go and move onto a different path), or to re-evaluate my current position to see how I can improve it, but not to let the difficult stay the same, but to alter it somehow, one way or another. Not to put it away into the cupboards of my mind, but to deal with it, because if it was left it would become a nuisance thought, that would unsettle me.

I hope that you can connect with some of what I have written. If you have a problem, try to deal with it by thinking it through. Ask the Universe to help you understand what you need to do. Remember that the Universe is our friend, and will guide and help us if we ask for help from the heart. Don't push things to one side, be patient though because acting too quick can make things worse, so take a deep breath, give yourself some thinking time, and then act on the decision you have made. Don't leave it for fear of making another mistake. Do it. 


"Who is that at your shoulder?" I asked a friend as she walked towards me, because I could 'see' someone was there. How did I know? Because that switch, which I often talk about, had become switched on. It is difficult to describe what 'the switch' is, just to say that it I suddenly seem to become super sensitive, which seems to heighten my ability to connect with that which is beyond us. In other words, I become connected to the energies of the Universe. I can't make this connection happen, it just happens. All I have to do is go with it, and not block it by my own thoughts.

So the person on my friend's shoulder? It was her father, who gave me a message which I then passed on to her. As ever, with this type of link I find my own mind continually questioning as to whether or not I am imagining what is happening, which tends to block the link if I am not careful. To help keep me in trust that it is a true link, and to confirm to my friend that I was not making things up, her dad gave me certain memories to give to her which only both of them would know about.

This was a very moving experience for us all, and I felt very humble to have been given the opportunity to bring comfort and peace to my friend, and also to her father, who would have wanted her to know that he did not leave her when he died, but had only changed dimensions.

So could I have made all this up? Not a chance! Absolutely not!!!! Because when I let my mind make its own opinion about what was being said by her father, the link faded away and I was left in my 'normal' self', with not the foggiest idea about what next to say.

And anyway, she had come for a visit to have a girl chat about what a muck our houses are in as our menfolk soldier on with renovating them, and to share with each other comforting women-related topics of conversation, the mysteries of which men find hard to understand. She had not come for a 'let's see who is with me today in spirit' type of conversation. Therefore it was a surprise to us both when I became connected to her father. That is how I know that it was not my imagination playing tricks with us. 

Apparently I am to 'see', that is the message I keep being given by the Universe. I already 'see' inside my head, and can ' see' 
 snow like movements in the air around me, but I have never been able to ' see' people. I await with interest to see how this transpires, and will write about it if / as it happens.........

Sending blessings to you this day, and remember..... don't put things off, get them sorted out, ....

I write about our life here in France on my other blog, where I describe our renovation and smallholding journey. The Universe brought us to this corner of France, to this once upon a time ruin of a house, to fields which were being raped by a commercial farmer. The challenges have been many, the growth of ourselves huge. It has been a grand journey.


Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Choosing wall tiles, the Universe assists.....

I had to ask the Universe for help yesterday. It was to do with buying kitchen tiles. Last time we went shopping for tiles Lester and I had a major falling out about what were the best tiles to buy for our kitchen. He said that he was fed up with having to battle with me about it. I said that I was fed up with his attitude. We were both tired. No excuse. I should not have been so difficult with him. I should not have been so controlling. I should have listened to his views about which tiles to choose. This is home as well, that is what I should have remembered. 

And so he said that he was not interested in what tiles we should have, that I should go by myself to choose them, which is what I thought should happen as well, arguments would therefore be avoided and I would get what I wanted, that was the plan. 

But the plan became changed when Lester said that he would come with me to the tile shop just as I was about to get into the car to leave. NoooooO!!!!! We were going to have another clash of wills again, that is what I immediately thought. And so to save him and me from clashing again, which was something I did not want, I quickly lit a candle and asked the Universe to help us with choosing the tiles, that there would be peace and harmony between Lester and me, that the right tiles would be chosen, ones which would help build a harmonious atmosphere so that the Universe could use Labartere as a place for the most strongest of healing energies. 

And so it was done. As soon as we got into the car we were calm and peaceful with each other, which continued in the tile shop. I found myself stepping back and letting Lester put forward his choice of tile. I did this without argument. It felt a very easy thing to do, and completely different to the last time we were in the shop. 

The tiles Lester chose were blue with tiles of flowers scattered here and there. A few weeks ago my mind had flashed up that blue needed to be in the tiles, so this was the right choice, or so I thought. We went to the counter to order them, but no, they were no longer available. But we remained calm, did not get into a fuss about having wasted time looking at a range of tiles which should have been removed from display now that they were no longer available. Instead we went off to another shop, and again it was Lester who led the way and made a suggestion as to what to have. It would seem that he is becoming quite a creative person, that is what I thought as I looked at his choice, which was better than his choice of the previous shop. 

And so we came back home, still calm, still at peace with each other, and with the right colour of tiles chosen. But during our shopping trip I remained mindful of that lit candle and knew that the Universe was guiding us along. On the grand scale of things buying wall tiles is minimal, but if the Universe can help us with such small things, like making the right choice of wall tile, then we must surely trust that the Universe can guide us along with bigger things. 

So if you are stuck about being able to make the right choices in life, then ask the Universe to give you guidance, small requests or large requests, they will help. As for Lester and myself, we are back in sync with each other, and I shall try to keep us in sync by lighting a candle each day and asking the Universe to help us keep balanced with each other. I have been doing this already, but sometimes my busy life diverts me away from doing so. As a psychic lady I should not allow this to happen. 

Be blessed this day my friend, go light a candle, look at the light within the candle, and know that the Universe is both within you and around you, and then ask..........


I write about our life here in France on my other blog, where I describe our renovation and smallholding journey. The Universe brought us to this corner of France, to this once upon a time ruin of a house, to fields which were being raped by a commercial farmer. The challenges have been many, the growth of ourselves huge. It has been a grand journey. 

Sunday, 31 August 2014

My hands feel strange, and my Mum stops by.......

After the recent happening, when my chest became all filled up with a huge loving warmth, (which I wrote about in the previous blog) several things have happened. Firstly, as I thought I would, I felt irritable and unbalanced for a day or so. This happens when the energy of body changes as life lessons are learnt, which is similar to having an intervention from the medical profession. I have had many lessons to learn in this lifetime, some of them I have been successful with, but others still need to be learnt. I would not have it any other way. Not to have any lessons to learn would mean that the person is perfect in every way, and that I doubt I shall ever be! So, I felt not quite right in myself, and I took my bad humour out on my husband, although quickly realised what I was doing and why I was doing it, and lit a candle to ask for Universe for help. If I had made a healing meditation as soon as I woke up on the day after the 'event' then I would have not been so grotty in temperament. I am my own worst enemy sometimes.

In my previous blog I did say that I was looking forward to finding out what changes there would be both to my personal self and to my spiritual self after the energies of my heart underwent the transformation experience. The first thing I have noticed is that when I hold my hands open during channelling absent healing was that the palms of my hands felt different, as if there was a great force there. It was surprising, and quite strange. I don't know what this change means, but hopefully it is significant for my healing work, that I can help people more deeply, which would be good. I have not as yet held my hands open towards myself, so that I can receive healing as well, because I don't feel quite brave enough yet, but I will, probably later on today. I shall let you know how I get on. 

So, it would seem that the ability to channel healing has improved, but once I have tried it on myself then I shall definitely know. If this has happened then it would have been worth all those weeks and weeks of self learning which was attached to this particular life lesson.  

I don't know if this related or not, but last night my mum stopped by to say 'hello' and give me a hug. It was in my dreams that she came, something she would have to do if she wanted to visit because she doesn't have a body anymore. (Mum died over a year ago) She was never a demonstrative mum, so it was nice that she put her arms around me and gave me a real proper mum-type cuddle. And I said to her "Where are your angel's wings?", and she said, "Oh they are there, just behind me!" I don't know why I asked that question, but because it is something I would not ask, it verifies for me that it was her soul which had visited me rather than being something out of my imagination. I remained quite stunned about this visit of hers, and also greatly moved by the love I felt coming from her as she hugged me. 

And so I must move on into my day. If you would like to receive absent healing, then please email me. I channel healing every day, and I would feel it a privilege to add your name to either the Absent Healing List ( as long you don't mind your name being public although it is first name only) or, if you would prefer, I could put you in my Absent Healing Book. I never remove names after they are written on either list, so you will be linked to the healing energies of the Universe for ever after. 

In love and light,


Thursday, 28 August 2014

And so another life lesson is learnt!

I have been blessed with my Arian character. Although hard to live with it has kept me on my toes life long, because it does not let me rest. It is always pushing me towards being a better person, someone who is balanced mind and soul, someone who is able to walk the fine line between what is the reality of a human being, and the true reality of that which is beyond us. I am talking about the energies of the Universe. I am also talking about the blending of heart (soul) and mind, and the conquering of the lower self which is governed by the mind, and the soul/ heart self, which is the higher self. In all people there is a battle between those two selves, but, in this media driven world of ours, it is the lower self which is winning in most people. This is a shame, because being governed by the lower self is not a happy experience to have, as well I know. But I am conquering this lower self, only slowly though, but at least I am winning. 

Being me is not easy. I argue with myself a lot. I am cross at myself a lot. I am critical of myself a lot. And I am glad that I do all these things. I am glad that I give myself a hard time. Why? Because by giving myself a hard time I am growing into a very wise lady. I am also finding an inner contentment and a pleasure with the simple things in life. No longer do I want to be living the life that I used to, no longer do I want to be part of the frenetic pace of modern day life. The Universe knew that I would reach this state of being in my life, which is why I was brought to a quiet corner of a foreign country to live. And one of the blessings of being me is that I can look back and see how far I have come with myself. I often say that I am a Life Traveller, which is someone who has not necessarily travelled around the World, but someone who has travelled a long way in themselves, and this I have done. It has not been an easy path to follow. Often I have found myself in situations which have cost me a lot of emotional pain, but I have fought my way through and come out the other side of those situations with a greater sense of being, a greater sense of self understanding, and most of all, a greater connectiveness with the Universe. 

I became psychic by being me, and not by reading lots of books, spending lots of money on courses, or having training from others, although I did try all of these but quickly became dissatisfied. Every time I fought through a difficult situation, which was always accompanied by much self doubt, self examination, and self criticism, I found myself on the other side of the situation with an increased portfolio of inner strength and wisdom, plus I became more intuitive, and most of all, my connectivity with the Universe became stronger. It was a long haul, and it cost me dear because I nearly killed myself by my mind putting so much pressure on my body that I went into a series of strokes. But even this was a good thing because I learnt that I can self heal, and that channelling healing is the best way to help other people through their times of crisis.

One of the downsides of being me is that other people find me difficult to cope with, because I am an individual who stands apart from the rest. I do not want this to be so, and in the past I have been made to feel inept by the way in which other people judge me, so to help them feel more comfortable with me I have tended to play the fool, act silly, be less than I can be so that others will not feel so challenged by who I am. This year of 2014 has seen a letting go of this behaviour, which was only a front anyway and not who I truly was. It has been another battle, but I am winning through...not to hide my light so that others can feel more comfortable with me, but to let that light shine and not mind if others can't cope with that because they were not needed in my life anyway, so to let them go............

I did not know that this change of myself was on its way, neither did I realise that I was going through this change of self during those many weeks, all that happened was that certain situations with other people kept coming at me which eventually ended up with me flat on my back for a few days, suffering from nervous exhaustion, heart palpitations, very minor stroke symptoms, and angina. 'Oh dear', I thought as I lay in the midst of all this physical collapse, perhaps I am going to pass over, but no, it was not my time because I am still here. So what I did do as I lay in such a feeble state, was not call the doctor and get myself shipped into hospital because that would definitely have killed me off, instead I summoned help from the Universe by asking the energies carrying the human names of Michael (who stands infront of me), Auriel (who stands behind me), Raphael (who stands on the left) and Gabriel (who stands on the right). Now I never, ever, demand or summon help from the Universe. Always I remain humble in my requests, and whenever I ask for help from the Universe I always ask that everyone else be helped as well. It is not in my nature to make a request selfishly, but this time I did, not 'asking' but 'summoning'. 

And so I became well again, and I carried on with this particular learning curve, not knowing that I was learning anything at all, just carrying on being me, trying to understand why what was happening was happening, picking the situations over and over and over again until I understood what I should do, how I should think, what needed to be done. And now I am on the other side of the learning curve, and realise that I have learnt another life lesson, although I am not entirely sure of what that life lesson actually is at the moment, but in time I shall.

But how do I know that I am through this particular learning curve? Because I was sitting in the kitchen yesterday morning, taking a short break in between jobs, and I suddenly felt my heart shift and expand, then my whole chest and upper body became filled with a radiant warm light. Wow! It was the sweetest experience, and one which I wanted to stay with forever, but I had to get on with the day, so that is what I did. But every time I did sit down the same thing happened, the most magnificent warm light came into me again, filling me up, making me want to cry with its sweetness.

What was happening? I don't know, and when I asked the Universe why they were blessing me in this way the words came, "Because the Upstairs Crew love you". (The Upstairs Crew is another name I use for the energies of the Universe). I suppose, then, that I am doing things right, that the life lessons I have been recently trying to learn I have now learnt, although I didn't think I had. That is how I know that I have got another life lesson bolted on to me. I look forward to discovering what difference that is going to make in regards to my life pathway and to my  connectivity with the Universe. Being me gives me such bonuses. 

So do not mind if you, too, find yourself difficult to live with, that you also find yourself at odds with yourself, always questioning yourself and hardly ever giving yourself peace, do not mind this but be forgiving of yourself because you are surely a Life Traveller as well. Which means that you are a treasure of a person, that you have a humbleness of self, that you have a magic about you which others may find hard to deal with, but not to mind this because the Universe is looking out for you. 

May your inner battles be glorious, may your soul rise up and be your governor, may you be one of the few who truly walk in the light. 


Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Too many options.......

I recently was privileged to channel help and advice (from the Universe) to a lady who was nearing the end of one of the decades of her life. She was 38, soon to be 40, and as with anyone reaching the end of a decade, she was anxious about what her future was going to hold, which is why she needed to have some insight about what was going to happen. Typically, though, she was expecting to have some simple predictions, hopefully all of which would be positive, which would cheer her up and hey presto, life would be marvellous and full of happiness and success. 

Unfortunately, however, life is rarely perfect. Unexpected things happen which can throw us off course. Or perhaps we try to keep tight control of what is happening in our lives, not wanting to experience risk or take a chance. So our futures are not 'set in stone', and there will always be something unexpected round the corner. Nothing is certain, that is for sure.

So this lady started our session off by waiting expectantly to hear that she was going to meet someone special, fall in love, get married, have a baby, move abroad, run a successful business, and all this by the time she got to 40. Ummmm, well....actually no, this is unlikely to happen in such a short time frame anyway, and unfortunately her current mindset was not going to let this all happen even if it was a possibility, which it wasn't, but if it was........

The problem was her, that she was intent on maintaining an iron control about: 1) what sort of man she wanted in her life, 2) what he role he was to play in her life, 3) that he was to do everything that she wanted to do in life and that if it meant sacrificing his career, then that is what he would have to do to stay with her. 

Within a few minutes of starting to channel for her I knew that this was going to be a difficult person to try and steer, but we (the energies of the Universe and me) persevered, because we always do. 

She was seeing someone. The message was that he was to be let go of. That she was trying to make him fit a gap in her life, that she was trying to 'catch a man' and that would never work. She was disappointed at this. "But I want to get married before I am 40", she said. Ah well, ......

And then the Universe unleashed a load of info about all the possibilities that would be ahead of her if she could only stop trying to organise her life, and the choices she had, wow! If she took this choice, then her life would go that way, but if she took that choice, then her life would go that away. And yes, she would have the choice to go abroad, but then when would this happen, because there were choices about possible time frames. Or she could not take up the challenge of taking up one of those choices, and then she would remain as she was, with no change on the horizon at all, because to take  up a choice requires courage, determination, and most of all, constancy. It is no good if a choice is taken up one day, and then dropped the next day because things are not happening fast enough, patience, therefore, being perhaps the biggest requirement after making a choice. 

The choices were clearly laid out for this lady. There were many of them. All she had to do was play the recording I made of her session over and over until she had a clear idea of how her future could be. Would she do this? Would she make the effort to turn her life around by taking the time to listen to the words from the spirit guides of the Universe, or would she find it too much of a bother, and continue on with her expectation that everything would come to her providing she made no effort to change her thoughts about how she lived her life. 

At the end of the channelling time I felt that she would probably stay the same as she was, and then in five years time look back at what was said and then say to me, "What you said was not accurate because nothing happened like you said it would".  ".....ah, but you did not listen" would be my silent response back. 

One of the hardest lessons for us all to learn is to take responsibility for our tomorrows by taking responsibility for ourselves today. That our futures will not be bright and rosy if we do not try and make today bright and rosy. That we are not going to have changes come along if we are resistant to any changes happening in the first place. That we need to want to make change for change to happen, and that, my friend, needs to be unconditional, that you can't bargain with the elements within that change situation, that you can't say 'yes' I want that part of the change, but I don't want other parts of the change. A change situation has to be total, all or nothing, not a bit of it, not half of it, but all the elements of that change have to be taken as a whole, otherwise the change will not work out, and you will either retreat back to where you were or become stuck down in a hole. 

So if you have an opportunity come along, one which you are unsure of but would like to have a go at, then take up that opportunity but know that it will bring change into your life. Be bold with yourself on this, be strong with yourself, do not let your own self argue with you, but stay firm in the conviction that since this opportunity came along, then you will do your best to stay in faith with it. 

Know that there will be moments of doubt, but do not let these moments of doubt take hold of you, so that your need for security stops  you from embracing this new opportunity. And do not try to organise the opportunity into being what you want it to be, but rather see it as a plan which will gradually unfold along the way. 

That is all. I hope you have understood what the Universe is trying to put across to you, which is do not fear change, but instead embrace it and know that everything will turn out alright one way or another. And the lady? She is on my Absent Healing List, so even if I never hear from her again I remain confident that her life will come right eventually, such is the power of sending out prayerful thoughts. And if you would like to go on our healing list as well, then just email me your name.

Sending blessings to you,

In love and light,

Vera x

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

What I didn't do when I had a battle

I am not very careful with myself. I should be, but I am not. I am very sensitive, more so than most, which means that when in situations which have a bad energy I can absorb some of the badness, and I will suffer. First my mind will become jangled, and then a day or so later, my body will get sick. Asking the Universe for healing will sort me out, but if I was to be more careful in the first place, then several days of my life would not be wasted by feeling unwell. 

We have a band. We play Irish folk songs mostly, and we are only two months old. There are six in the band. Four of us are musically inclined, which means that we can hold a tune, read music, and are accurate when playing and singing. I am not saying that any of us are 'gifted', but we are not novices. Neither will we ever be celebrities, thank goodness, or earn a living from playing in the band. In fact, we play for free because we enjoy making music together. 

But our male singer is difficult, and has a tendency towards being a diva. At last Monday's rehearsal we played for the first time with a new amplification system. It seemed to bring out the worst in him. 

I will not go into exactly what he was getting up to, just that he was difficult, was singing off key, and on the wrong beat, did not get his timings right, and just made the rehearsal unpleasant. 

I am the band leader, says my husband, therefore it falls to me, he says, to keep things in order. I find this task unsettling, as I always seem to be the one who is trying to steer everyone else. 

Anyway, what happened on Monday was that the male singer has an upturned big green plastic bin, with a wire attached to it on an upright piece of wood, as a drum. It makes only one sound, and that is a thump. Since he has no sense of rhythm he just plucks at the wire when he thinks he will, hardly ever being at the same time as the beat of the music. Not only that, but he sings to the beat of his plastic drum, not to the beat of everyone else, and my husband absolutely hates the noise he makes, because my husband has a good sense of music. 

And the male singer took it upon himself to make his own amplifier system so the drum could be heard loud and strong when the rest of us were amped up on the proper amp system. It was just another battle, that was all, not much in the larger picture, but enough to pull my energies down. A band is supposed to play as a team if the music is to work. Five of us are team players. One isn't. 

So the result was a botched rehearsal, left hanging unfinished because other things happened, which means that the gig we are booked to do this coming Friday will have to be shortened because a chunk of the programme of music we were supposed to be playing was not rehearsed. 

And what happened was that I got angry with him, no, not 'angry' as such, just frustrated. And so I allowed him to leach my energies away. My fault, not his. I should have prepared myself beforehand by enveloping myself in a bubble of light, which would have protected me from his bad energies. This I did not do, being too busy doing farm work and other things. Without the overcoat of protection, I allowed myself to sop up his negative energies, like a dry sponge put into a pot of water. But the Universe knew that this was going to happen, because I had a sense of warm euphoria come upon me as we drove home. It lasted well into the evening, but had evaporated by the next morning. And then my mind went all over the place. It was as if I had a computer virus in my head, not a dreadful one which tried to shut me down, just a head which was jangled. And through that jangle I allowed my lower self to take umbridge about the male singer, that he was out of order with his attitude, that he had an arrogance which was unpleasant, that his diva type attitude was out of place in a man of his age, that he ought to grow up. For one day this went on in my head, and I could not stop it. Round and round these thoughts went, kicking my higher self, with its calm understanding of all things human, out of the window.

After lunch today, and the damage was being furthered. My heart went into megga palpitations, my throat started feeling like it had a steel brace around it, my head started aching, and my mind began to shut down into a depressive state. What I had done was crashed my upper heart chakra, my throat chakra, my third eye chakra, and my crown chakra. Kappooott. All were going down, and all because I allowed that negative energy from the male singer to connect with the thoughts in my head, which then took hold as I continued to feel angry about him, which then made me crash those upper chakras. I had done this damage to myself. He had not done it. I had. And all because I did not take proper care of myself before we left for the rehearsal.

I don't want to waste precious days of my life by having this happen again. It has happened often in the past, and I cannot let it happen again. So whenever the band is going to rehearse, I shall wrap that bubble of light around me as a protection, which will also enable me to cope with the situations that he makes in a better way. It is no use being cross with him, because the Universe said a few minutes ago that when he gets his own way, then he will be alright, but when he doesn't, then he will have tantrum, which is something to do with his upbringing, of not having been taught self control when he was very young. Knowing this now helps me to see the situation in a different light. That I should not have responded to his actions as I did, but should have stepped back and let him get on with it. This will be hard to do in the future, because the band will not be able to continue unless he gets a grip on himself. 

The Universe also said that he is emotionally unstable. Oh. So........ on to the healing list of Heart to Heart France he goes. I need to stop outside of myself now and see him as a wounded individual, whose actions emanate from deeper issues. I need to step aside from my lower self angst about him, and I need to be more moderate with my thoughts about him if I am to be well and not suffer from the upper chakra collapse again. So, as ever, work to do on myself.

And so if you find yourself with an anger inside of you against someone who has disturbed  your mind, then do not allow this anger to fester because it will eventually make physical difficulties for you, which is a waste of the days of your life and will reduce the level of your health. Take control. Ask the Universe for healing, or ask us to put you on our healing list. Ask this for yourself, and ask it also for the person who is producing the angst within you. Do it. You will feel lighter in yourself by getting rid of that anger, and the other person will also benefit, even if, in truth, you don't want them to benefit because they have 'upset' you. In time they will grow to have a better understanding of their own problems, and you, in turn, will benefit by having that negative link between you broken. 

Battles are not nice things to have, although the lessons learned are priceless.


Monday, 9 June 2014

Messages being delivered......

Yesterday I had an odd experience in the local DIY shop. We are renovating the kitchen of our French house and need to choose the tiles, and Lester was having a lengthy conversation about them with the lady at the desk. We are in France. So the conversation was in French. Since my French is minimal, my mind wandered. 

There was a man opposite me, walking alongside the shelves of DIY things. And it was as if became locked into him, and a message went across to him: "say you are sorry, she will be alright about it. Don't stay cross. Put it behind you......etc." Crikey, I was channelling help and advice, in English, to a Frenchman who was completely oblivious to receiving this help. Presumably there would have been some translation during the relay process!

And then a young couple walked past me: To him: "Let her go,  you do not love her as she needs to be loved. She will be upset for a while, but within two years she will find the love of her life.....etc." And to her: "You will be unhappy for a few months, but you will meet someone within eighteen months who will make you much happier than this man does....etc". 

And then a man passed behind me and went through the office doors of the shop. The message this time was sent differently, because it was not relayed by words, but by feeling: That he had cancer in his lower abdomen, that his end time would be within five to eight years, that he needed to make his peace with people in his life. Much love was sent to him. His next few years will be the best he has had for a long time. His passing will also be effortless, and he will not suffer from fear about the process of dying. That he will be able to connect with his friends and family who have already passed over before he himself makes the transition. 

And all this while Lester was discussing tiles. "Are you daydreaming?" he said during a momentary pause with the shop lady. What could I say, that I had been channelling messages to people which would change their lives for the better? How would he be able to understand that, when I was just about coping with doing so. After all, to do this type of channelling requires great trust on my part with the Universe, and great trust on their part with me, that I will stay connected when the messages were being sent through me, that I would not go into a panic and break the link, which would not have been good for either the Universe, myself, or the people who were receiving the messages. 
So all I said was, "Oh just thinking about what to have for dinner".

As I walked out of the shop I thought about what had happened. I felt greatly moved. I am still waiting to find out the direction in which I am to go with my spiritual work. I have been waiting a long time. Meanwhile, I carry on with trying to conquer my lower self elements, and try instead to focus on my higher self. It is a hard task. I am very stubborn with myself, and often the less lovely side of me seems to be winning. 

This landed on my Facebook page a few weeks ago. I don't know where it came from, but I look at them every day and try to follow the advice:

- Do things one at a time.
- Do it slowly and deliberately.
- Do it completely.
- Do less. (this is not possible for me!)
- Put space between doing things.
- Develop rituals.
- Designate time for sitting.
- Smile and serve others.
- Make cleaning and cooking become meditation.
- Think about what is necessary.
- Live simply. 

Hope you are well, and managing to keep on top of things.


Thursday, 22 May 2014

The Passing. The Fall. The Bees

The Passing:

So what do you do when someone says that their best friend is assisting their mum to die in ten minutes time. You go light a candle, that is what you do, and you make a request to the Universe that these people be helped in whichever way they are needed to be helped. Not to have attitude about assisted passings, but to understand that everyone has a right to live and die as they choose to, and to focus on channelling loving energy to all involved, because that what is needed at a time which is as emotionally sensitive as this one is.

The Fall:

So what do you do when you take a tumble, when you fall heavily on to your arms and hip, and your head collides with the wall, when you feel winded, and are waiting for the pain to kick in. You take a deep breath, that is what you do, and within the precious seconds of silence before your body complains about your clumsiness, you do some concentrated deep breathing, pulling in blue light right down into the inside of you. And you keep the knowledge that the spirits of the Universe are with you, and you can feel them with you within the calmness of those precious few seconds.

And then the hurt begins, but it is not such a big hurt as you would have had if you had allowed yourself to go into shock immediately. Trust me, this does work, because through all the tumbles I have taken over the last two or three years, if I am not able to do this for myself then the pain will be worse and the time of my recovery will be longer. But when I do this then my recovery is amazingly fast.

So I did all that. As I lay on the floor with my head bunched up against the wall, I did my deep breathing, and I did pull blue light in, and I did call upon the Universe to help me although I could feel them helping already, and my recovery was fast. The lovely huge scrape on my forehead healed within six days, my head felt a bit whoozy for a day or do because the blood-brain barrier had suffered a jarring but I was not disabled by the whooziness, and I suffered no bruising although the day after I knew I had fallen but it did not stop me from being out and about.

All in all, there is a huge benefit to connecting with the Universe and connecting to your inner self in those precious few seconds of calmness after the accident has happened, before the body starts telling you that it is hurt, before your mind goes into shock. By doing this for yourself,  you are harnessing the healing energies of the Universe with the self healing capabilities of your own body so that you get better quicker.

The bees:

So what do you do when the bees in your beehive decide to do a swarm, and park themselves up in the nearest tree? Do you get cross, thinking that they are a naughty bunch of bees to be taking themselves off somewhere else? Or do you get into a fret about how the hell you are going to get them down from the tree? Or do you look with interest at the business of the bees, at the way in which they are sticking together to make the unit of the swarm? 

We knew that the bees were going to swarm, but were too busy elsewhere to take the time to sort the inhabitants of the hive out. We are not responsible bee keepers at the moment. We hope to be in the future. But for now, we let the little beings do their own thing. 

And this is what they were doing up in the tree: doing their own thing. So how could one be cross at them. How could one get upset that one was losing a bunch of bees. If we had made more effort at monitoring the residents in the hive then they would not have swarmed. But we didn't, so they did.

What do you do when you see your bees up in a tree? You bless them, that is what you do, and wish them well, and hope that they will find somewhere else to build a happy and healthy home which will keep them safe.


I have not posted for a while because lots has been happening, but mostly it has been because my head has not been able to find the words with which to write because it has been to busy trying to understand what has been going on. 

The Universe has been busy directing and guiding me.
My connection has become stronger.
I do not know what that means in terms of my work,
or my life,
 but as ever, 
I wait to see what is going to happen next!


Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Post healing session

Last night was the Monday night healing circle with Home to Heart. Only at the appointed time of 7.30 GMT, which was 8.30 in my part of the world (France) I was otherwise diverted by my husband, so I could not join in during the actual time. Not to worry, because I became connected with the group energy anyway.

From early afternoon I could feel the healing connection starting to build up, and although I could not actually sit down in a quiet place, I was aware in the back of my mind that the healing was happening, both coming in to me and going out from me. And then a voice said that the energy would drop down again at midnight. And I woke up in the middle of the night and it was as if a shower of light came down on me.

But today I am all zonked out, which often happens when one has had a bout of healing. All I want to do is sleep, and indeed I did just that at mid day today. So did my husband, who is also feeling zonked out!

And this is when I need to patient and not try to gallop about as I normally do, doing jobs here and there and everywhere. Rest, that is what I need to do.
'For six days' the Universe has just said. Oh dear, that is a long time to feel zonked out, and 'You need the rest,' is what is coming back to me. Not easy, for someone as busy as me. To rest seems such a waste of time!
'Well you can't move forward until you have this rest' is what has just been said.
Yes well........

I am hoping to start a healing circle in my part of the world, taking place on the first Wednesday of the month, with a friend of mine. I am in region 65700 of France, and she is in the next door region. Will let you know more soon....

Meanwhile, taking strides forward in life sometimes requires a re-grouping of one's self,  which I suppose is happening for me at the moment. So if you also have a feeling of being zonked out, and you have recently asked the Universe for help or healing, then know that you soon will be on the move in your life, and be glad for the time of rest which must happen first.


Saturday, 8 March 2014

A place to sit and think......

I have not had a proper place to sit, and think, and connect with the Universe. I used to have two rooms back when I lived in the UK, one I used as a study and the other I used for channelling readings and healing. They were my own spaces, somewhere I could retreat to, somewhere where everything was in its own place, like my healing table, my readings table, my special 'thinking' chair, my writing space, my book shelves,  my desk.

But that was in the 'before' time, because nearly six years ago we came to France and I had to leave all that behind. Not that I mind, because the life I now live is so much healthier for me in every way. But not having those spaces made me feel as if part of me was missing, which then encouraged me to put to the back of my mind the presence of the Universe although the energies of the Universe frequently tried to get me to remember that they were there.  Often I felt starved of this connection, which made me feel as if I was not quite right in myself. Not writing as well made me feel disconnected from my creative self. And I was a changing person as well. The person I was back in the UK was left behind as our life here became the new reality for me, and often I felt as if I was metamorphosing from one state of being into another state of being. I often felt that I did not know who I was anymore, that I had lost my identity somehow.

But now life is settling down here. Lester, my husband, now works full time on the farm which frees me up from farm jobs, so I am able to focus on my work on behalf of the Universe, although I am not sure of what exactly is required of me. So, for the moment, I focus on Aspects of Self, and my other writing work. And I have felt a need to find a space in which I can sit and think.

I have brought to France my rocking chair, and that was the chair in which I used to sit for quiet times with the powers that be, but it is now near my sewing area and because there is no storage area for my sewing projects I use any handy surface available, which also includes the rocking chair. It has been piled high with stuff, and I have not been able to sit in it for months.

But the other day, quite clearly into my mind, came the hugest of urges to get the chair clear of clutter, which I did. Then I sat down in the chair. And I felt myself immediately connect to the energies of the Universe. It was as if they were waiting for me to do so. As if I had been a long time away.

I do have a chair in the kitchen which I have sometimes been able to relax in and connect, but most times I maintain an awareness that I need to tidy up and do kitchen related work, but the rocking chair is in the half barn, which is a quieter and less cluttered area, and sits beneath one of the velux windows in the roof. The tipping backward action of the rocking chair tilts my face upwards to this window so that I can see the sky, or the stars, depending on the time of day. Perhaps it is this that encourages me to relax sufficiently to be able to make that connection with the powers that be.

I have often spoken about mantras and chanting, and it is right to say that I am able to make attunement with the Universe when I do this, but it feels like a different type of connection when I sit in my rocking chair. It is the same with reiki. Again, it is a different type of connection to that which I have when I sit in my chair. I go deep when I am in my chair. I feel great swooshes of energy when I am in my chair. I feel a strong and pure connection with the powers that be of the Universe when I am in my chair.

I don't use the chair much. What I mean is that I don't sit in it to read a book, or to chat with other people, it is not used in a general way, and I have come to realise that it is a good thing to have a chair such as this, one which is not in general use, one that just sits and wait for those moments when one has time to make that valuable connection with the Universe. It is as if the chair is a psychic zone of energy, a sort of small portal between us and where our souls come from.

So it is important to makes these small spaces where we can, perhaps in the corner of a bedroom, or lounge, or even hallway. To put a comfortable chair in that space, one which is not huge and not to spongy, meaning that the chair should be quite firm and hold the spine firmly, but not rigid as in an upright dining chair, so perhaps a rocking chair then, one which tilts backwards a little bit when sat in, one that holds the body firmly but softly, one with arm rests so the hands can sit comfortably, that then is the best of chairs to have.

To maybe have a place for a candle nearby, although I do not have such a place near my chair, but I do have the skylight above my head which seems to serve the purpose of a candle.

And to only use that chair as a place of quiet refuge, for when times are tough, for when something good has happened and you want to thank the Universe for such a gift, for when you want to meditate, or ask for healing, or would like to be a healing channel. And that chair will become a special place, because every time you sit down on it you will find it easier to make attunement with the powers that be.

But not to let others use that chair because then the energies of that person may interfere with the energies you have been building up when you have used it as a place of meditation and attunement for yourself. Let that chair be special to you alone, if you can.

And this is what has happened with my rocking chair in the UK. It was used as a place of meditation, healing, and attunement with the powers that be and no one else used it, so the chair built up its own special energy, which stayed with it during the move here and its subsequent storage, until it was eventually put in the half barn. And although it has been mostly used as a place of storage  since then, that special energy which had been built up during my psychic work in the UK stayed with it, so that when I was given the push from the Universe to get it cleared of the stuff sitting on it, that as soon as I sat down the energy which it still had wrapped itself around me, and that, coupled with the Universe making its connection to me, gave me a wonderful moment as both the Universe and me came into complete union.

Unfortunately this total  union did not last long because the reality of my life beckoned me away, but it was magical moment which has been subsequently repeated.

So, my message to you this day is...... find yourself a comfy chair as given in my description above. Put it in a quiet corner somewhere, it does not matter where providing there are no people moving around you. Start going to this chair whenever you feel the need to be quiet, or have things on your mind, or want to say a prayer of thanks, or need to ask for help, or want to send healing, or want to receive healing, or just want to make a comforting connection with the energies of the Universe. You do not have to stay in that chair for hours on end, just visit that chair when you have a need to. And the energies of the chair will grow, so that eventually that chair will welcome you to it like a long lost friend.

Try it. I need to sort out the general area in which my chair sits, although its energies are strong already. I need the healing that comes to me when I sit in the chair. I also need the inspiration for writing, (the title for this blog and the Snippets blog were given to me when I sat for a few minutes in the chair yesterday)

I hope you are able to find a special chair, and be able to place that chair somewhere in your home, and not to sit in that chair for surfing the internet, chatting to friends, or watching TV, but to keep that chair as a quiet space for yourself and the Universe.

God bless you my friend, and enjoy your chair.....


Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Experiencing remote healing.....

I am continuing to be in up and down mode, but less so. February has been a curious month. Sometimes I have felt very angry for no reason, then I have felt very calm and positive, and today I have woken up with an energy and purpose which has been severely lacking for last couple of months.

So what happened to bring me into a more stable state of being? Positive thinking, self healing, and spending an hour linking in with a Denise, a long time friend of mine who  used to sit in a healing and development circle with me. We both miss those circle evenings, which had a warmth and companionship which neither of us have ever found in any other circles we have sat in since. We have often spoke about how much we miss the work which that circle did, especially the healing, but since she still lives in the UK and I now live in France there was no way that we could ever physically sit with each other again.

But we could sit remotely, with her in her quiet room and me in a quite place, on the same day, at the same time, which would then make a connection between us and with the Powers That Be. Both of us needed to have the healing which would come to us through the building up of this two person group, both of us needed to re-new our connections with the Universe, and both needed help with our direction in life.

So a week ago we did this, and it is since then that I have strongly felt the direction in which I need to go. My health is better, I feel less tired, more centred, and happier in myself. And all I did was sit in a remote circle with a friend.

This is what Denise emailed me about the experience she had during the circle:

"Well, Circle Chum, I sustained 40 minutes and now it seems important that I share with you what happened, like we used to share in your back garden circles.

So, first there was a waterfall. It started as one of those massive ones you see in pictures of the rainforest - all tall and narrow and quite dark. As I watched, it turned into something smaller, lighter and with a friendlier feel to it.

And then I was half way up a hill with a kite tied to my ear. The kite had a long red tail on it, which then grew and unfurled into huge ribbons all the colours of a rainbow.

I felt a very heavy pair of hands on the top of my head. I was visited by a Japanese lady in full kimono dress ( pale blue with pale pink blossom pattern). Her name is Oshi Yama, she had a kind face (difficult to put an age to - neither old or young) and she is a healer, bless her.

Then I was transported into the form of a white dog with long flappy ears and I was hanging my head from a car window as it travelled down a country lane. I could see the route we were travelling very clearly through my right eye only, but couldn't sustain the link far enough to see any destination.

 Immediately I felt curled into a safe ball and was lifted into the heart of a water lily - white with a pink tinge. Feeling very tired at this point and could quite cheerfully have gone to sleep for the night. But I asked for guidance for the new healing circle and was given, 'Home to Home, Heart to Heart Meditation and Healing Circle.' And that I was to set up a new blog, where sittings could be recorded and experiences shared. There will be a direct e-mail contact set up and I was to be prepared for a couple of rogues' whilst the guides working with the circle set up a protection.

 Lastly, I made a healing prayer for you, Sue, flood victims, family and friends in general and for myself, the ability to set aside material worries.

I asked for blessings on this circle. And then I was wide awake and writing stuff down in a little notebook! "
Wow! The Universe had really connected with Denise, and had given her the name of the new remote healing circle that she is setting up with another friend of hers. The Universe had worked clairvoyantly and clairaudiently with her, and I have no doubt that she has increased her ability to work with these sensitivities. She had also been given awareness of a Japanese spirit guide healer who will work with her when the time is right.

As for me, I received, and sent out, healing. It is difficult to describe what it feels like when this is happening because it is energy work so there is not the 'seeing' of clairvoyance, or the 'hearing' of clairaudience, or the 'direct voice channelling' of mediumship, it is the 'sensing and feeling' of clairsentience, which is the most refined of all our psychic sensitivities. So I cannot adequately describe what it felt like to be receiving those healing energies, nor what it felt like to channel those healing energies to those who I knew needed healing, and also for Denise and her partner.

Ongoing from that very valuable evening is that Denise has now set up the healing blog with another friend of hers, which is Home to Heart Meditation and Healing Circle. It will be a remote healing group, globally connecting people who need healing. All people need to do is find a quiet place at the time given on the blog, light a candle, and relax. You can email Denise if you want to know more, and the email address is on the Home to Heart blog page. The first evening will be Monday 3rd March 2014, at 7.30 pm GMT.

As for me, there has been changes to the way in which my husband and myself share the workload of our smallholding, leaving me with much more time to do my writing work. As a consequence I feel much lighter in self, less pressurized, and more balanced, as if I am doing what I was meant to be doing.

So if you would like to receive healing via the remote healing circle of Denise and her friend, just let them know who you are so they can focus on you. And if you would like to know more about my work then go to Aspects of Self.

Blessings be with you


You can read more about healing here.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

....and then I found myself chanting!

So I was standing by the side of the woodland, leaning on the rake. The rain was in the wind, and the wind, it was quite strong. Buffeted by the wind and rain, I stood looking out across our front field, waiting for Lester to come and join me, the task in hand being the picking up of the various detritus left over from the last flooding which had been gathered up into a heap on one side of the field, with the fencing wire being intertwined with  old grass and soft twigs. Should another flood come, this detritus would act as a wall against which the flood water would push the fence completely over.

I have been in quite good spirits lately, although the time of the year always has a slowing down effect on me, which is not a bad thing because I do get to have a rest. I am a naturally busy person, and push myself too hard. Sitting doing nothing is something which comes hard to me. But yesterday I found old memories coming up, triggered by a particularly unhappy memory of when I was sixteen. I am not going into what that memory was, but as it popped up into my head I felt a swathe of emotions wake up in regards to this memory. This is called 'clearing', when a situation happens in your life which you do not deal with properly at the time it happens, and so the experience made by the events of the situation become locked into a portion of the mind. You think that you have forgotten, but you have not. And that unhappy situation which you have buried will colour your life thereafter, but you don't know that it is doing so, but it does.

So this particular memory erupted suddenly, bringing with it other memories which were coupled with it. I found myself angry, hurt, even yelling at the associated people held within that memory. For three days this went on. At first I pushed the memory away, not wanting to be reminded of that unhappy time, but still it kept coming at me. I grew tired, I kept wanting to sleep, I lost energy. But still that memory kept being brought into my mind until I eventually let myself go into that time of that memory. It was painful. Two people coming at me, one from left, one from right, and each slapping me on the face with the palms of their hands at the same time. I ended up collapsed on the floor. I was sixteen.

I did not ask for this clearing to happen. As with all times of clearing out the cupboards of the mind, it happened when it was needed to happen. Clearing is necessary if you are to be a balanced person, to be as you were when you were born, clear of all blockages to the mind, blockages which are put during your years of growing up, of the years of being an adult. Blockages represent an emotional pain which will create pain of the body eventually, because the energies of the body will become poisoned by the attitude of the mind, and the more supressed these memories are the more harsher the attitude of mind will be.

We are a product of our past. Everything which has happened to us creates us in the now. Good memories create a happy us, not so good memories we do not want to remember, so we stuff them away in the cupboards of our mind, and there they will fester, giving us problems although we do not know that they are doing so. Times of clearing opens out these closed cupboards so we can deal with the associated upset and pain, which is not an easy thing to do, and can take days. Tears, anger, rage, all these can happen as the process of clearing takes place. It is a brave person who can do this for themselves. But if the process is stuck to, and the memory is retrieved from the cupboard and relived, and the pain worked through, then greater well-being of self will follow.

Anyway, so there I was, standing by our woodland on a wet and windy day, leaning on my rake, thinking of nothing much, just patiently waiting for my husband, and all of a sudden I heard a chant start to happen, and then I found myself voicing the chant out loud. Not only that, but I found myself using my rake as a tool to give the chant rhythm. The chant was of an American plains indian. It was as if I had become something like a medicine man, chanting with a power, and I could feel that power. This went on for some minutes.

And then 'You'll never walk alone' was sung to me. ('When you walk through a storm hold your head up high'), etc....., and then a bolt of energy went from top to toe along my spine, and then I felt a rush of energy from my lower body which went down into the ground.

Meanwhile, I continued to be buffeted by wind and rain. Lester appeared, and we got on with the work of picking up the debris.

But I was properly stuffed for the rest of the day. I had no energy to cook. I had no energy to do anything. I even fell asleep at my computer, after which Lester sent me to bed. I slept for three hours, waking up muggy headed and still not in my right self.

This morning I feel lighter. I await with interest to see what this recent bout of clearing has produced in me.  Ah well, I shall let you know what happens as this becomes sorted out as well.

So why would I let myself go through the re-awakening of an old unhappy memory? Because it stops me from being an entire person, one who is balanced, one who stands strong, one who has learnt their life lessons as given to them by the Universe, one who can channel the energies of the Universe to a high degree, one who is able to connect with their destiny, one who can lay to rest all anxieties created by what has been in the past.

It is like having a medical intervention, with the body needing time to heal and get itself right again. And so it is with the clearing of the mind. Always there will be a few days of feeling tired, not well, without direction, etc..., but it will pass, and then a big step forward will happen. What that is this time remains to be seen.

So, my friend, should you find an old unhappy memory coming into your mind, ride with it, don't push it away, let yourself revisit the time when that memory was laid down, shout out, punch a pillow, and cry your pain through. It is worth the effort. You will feel happier, you will feel stronger, you will feel wiser, and you will feel more connected to the Universe because your energies will be purer.

Bless you. This has been a long read, and thank you for sharing my recent 'clearing' experience.


...and 'thankyou' to the Universe for sending in a spirit guide to give me a chanting session, and also for singing to me 'When we walk through a storm, hold your head up high', and also for getting human friends to organise me into playing the organ for a church service last Sunday, and for the words of the sermon to be about 'letting your voice be heard' which is extremely relevant to me at this time. 'Keep going' that is what the Universe is trying to tell me!