Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Too many options.......

I recently was privileged to channel help and advice (from the Universe) to a lady who was nearing the end of one of the decades of her life. She was 38, soon to be 40, and as with anyone reaching the end of a decade, she was anxious about what her future was going to hold, which is why she needed to have some insight about what was going to happen. Typically, though, she was expecting to have some simple predictions, hopefully all of which would be positive, which would cheer her up and hey presto, life would be marvellous and full of happiness and success. 

Unfortunately, however, life is rarely perfect. Unexpected things happen which can throw us off course. Or perhaps we try to keep tight control of what is happening in our lives, not wanting to experience risk or take a chance. So our futures are not 'set in stone', and there will always be something unexpected round the corner. Nothing is certain, that is for sure.

So this lady started our session off by waiting expectantly to hear that she was going to meet someone special, fall in love, get married, have a baby, move abroad, run a successful business, and all this by the time she got to 40. Ummmm, well....actually no, this is unlikely to happen in such a short time frame anyway, and unfortunately her current mindset was not going to let this all happen even if it was a possibility, which it wasn't, but if it was........

The problem was her, that she was intent on maintaining an iron control about: 1) what sort of man she wanted in her life, 2) what he role he was to play in her life, 3) that he was to do everything that she wanted to do in life and that if it meant sacrificing his career, then that is what he would have to do to stay with her. 

Within a few minutes of starting to channel for her I knew that this was going to be a difficult person to try and steer, but we (the energies of the Universe and me) persevered, because we always do. 

She was seeing someone. The message was that he was to be let go of. That she was trying to make him fit a gap in her life, that she was trying to 'catch a man' and that would never work. She was disappointed at this. "But I want to get married before I am 40", she said. Ah well, ......

And then the Universe unleashed a load of info about all the possibilities that would be ahead of her if she could only stop trying to organise her life, and the choices she had, wow! If she took this choice, then her life would go that way, but if she took that choice, then her life would go that away. And yes, she would have the choice to go abroad, but then when would this happen, because there were choices about possible time frames. Or she could not take up the challenge of taking up one of those choices, and then she would remain as she was, with no change on the horizon at all, because to take  up a choice requires courage, determination, and most of all, constancy. It is no good if a choice is taken up one day, and then dropped the next day because things are not happening fast enough, patience, therefore, being perhaps the biggest requirement after making a choice. 

The choices were clearly laid out for this lady. There were many of them. All she had to do was play the recording I made of her session over and over until she had a clear idea of how her future could be. Would she do this? Would she make the effort to turn her life around by taking the time to listen to the words from the spirit guides of the Universe, or would she find it too much of a bother, and continue on with her expectation that everything would come to her providing she made no effort to change her thoughts about how she lived her life. 

At the end of the channelling time I felt that she would probably stay the same as she was, and then in five years time look back at what was said and then say to me, "What you said was not accurate because nothing happened like you said it would".  ".....ah, but you did not listen" would be my silent response back. 

One of the hardest lessons for us all to learn is to take responsibility for our tomorrows by taking responsibility for ourselves today. That our futures will not be bright and rosy if we do not try and make today bright and rosy. That we are not going to have changes come along if we are resistant to any changes happening in the first place. That we need to want to make change for change to happen, and that, my friend, needs to be unconditional, that you can't bargain with the elements within that change situation, that you can't say 'yes' I want that part of the change, but I don't want other parts of the change. A change situation has to be total, all or nothing, not a bit of it, not half of it, but all the elements of that change have to be taken as a whole, otherwise the change will not work out, and you will either retreat back to where you were or become stuck down in a hole. 

So if you have an opportunity come along, one which you are unsure of but would like to have a go at, then take up that opportunity but know that it will bring change into your life. Be bold with yourself on this, be strong with yourself, do not let your own self argue with you, but stay firm in the conviction that since this opportunity came along, then you will do your best to stay in faith with it. 

Know that there will be moments of doubt, but do not let these moments of doubt take hold of you, so that your need for security stops  you from embracing this new opportunity. And do not try to organise the opportunity into being what you want it to be, but rather see it as a plan which will gradually unfold along the way. 

That is all. I hope you have understood what the Universe is trying to put across to you, which is do not fear change, but instead embrace it and know that everything will turn out alright one way or another. And the lady? She is on my Absent Healing List, so even if I never hear from her again I remain confident that her life will come right eventually, such is the power of sending out prayerful thoughts. And if you would like to go on our healing list as well, then just email me your name.

Sending blessings to you,

In love and light,

Vera x