So what do you do when someone says that their best friend is assisting their mum to die in ten minutes time. You go light a candle, that is what you do, and you make a request to the Universe that these people be helped in whichever way they are needed to be helped. Not to have attitude about assisted passings, but to understand that everyone has a right to live and die as they choose to, and to focus on channelling loving energy to all involved, because that what is needed at a time which is as emotionally sensitive as this one is.
The Fall:
So what do you do when you take a tumble, when you fall heavily on to your arms and hip, and your head collides with the wall, when you feel winded, and are waiting for the pain to kick in. You take a deep breath, that is what you do, and within the precious seconds of silence before your body complains about your clumsiness, you do some concentrated deep breathing, pulling in blue light right down into the inside of you. And you keep the knowledge that the spirits of the Universe are with you, and you can feel them with you within the calmness of those precious few seconds.
And then the hurt begins, but it is not such a big hurt as you would have had if you had allowed yourself to go into shock immediately. Trust me, this does work, because through all the tumbles I have taken over the last two or three years, if I am not able to do this for myself then the pain will be worse and the time of my recovery will be longer. But when I do this then my recovery is amazingly fast.
So I did all that. As I lay on the floor with my head bunched up against the wall, I did my deep breathing, and I did pull blue light in, and I did call upon the Universe to help me although I could feel them helping already, and my recovery was fast. The lovely huge scrape on my forehead healed within six days, my head felt a bit whoozy for a day or do because the blood-brain barrier had suffered a jarring but I was not disabled by the whooziness, and I suffered no bruising although the day after I knew I had fallen but it did not stop me from being out and about.
All in all, there is a huge benefit to connecting with the Universe and connecting to your inner self in those precious few seconds of calmness after the accident has happened, before the body starts telling you that it is hurt, before your mind goes into shock. By doing this for yourself, you are harnessing the healing energies of the Universe with the self healing capabilities of your own body so that you get better quicker.
The bees:
So what do you do when the bees in your beehive decide to do a swarm, and park themselves up in the nearest tree? Do you get cross, thinking that they are a naughty bunch of bees to be taking themselves off somewhere else? Or do you get into a fret about how the hell you are going to get them down from the tree? Or do you look with interest at the business of the bees, at the way in which they are sticking together to make the unit of the swarm?
We knew that the bees were going to swarm, but were too busy elsewhere to take the time to sort the inhabitants of the hive out. We are not responsible bee keepers at the moment. We hope to be in the future. But for now, we let the little beings do their own thing.
And this is what they were doing up in the tree: doing their own thing. So how could one be cross at them. How could one get upset that one was losing a bunch of bees. If we had made more effort at monitoring the residents in the hive then they would not have swarmed. But we didn't, so they did.
What do you do when you see your bees up in a tree? You bless them, that is what you do, and wish them well, and hope that they will find somewhere else to build a happy and healthy home which will keep them safe.
I have not posted for a while because lots has been happening, but mostly it has been because my head has not been able to find the words with which to write because it has been to busy trying to understand what has been going on.
The Universe has been busy directing and guiding me.
My connection has become stronger.
I do not know what that means in terms of my work,
or my life,
but as ever,
I wait to see what is going to happen next!