Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Experiencing remote healing.....

I am continuing to be in up and down mode, but less so. February has been a curious month. Sometimes I have felt very angry for no reason, then I have felt very calm and positive, and today I have woken up with an energy and purpose which has been severely lacking for last couple of months.

So what happened to bring me into a more stable state of being? Positive thinking, self healing, and spending an hour linking in with a Denise, a long time friend of mine who  used to sit in a healing and development circle with me. We both miss those circle evenings, which had a warmth and companionship which neither of us have ever found in any other circles we have sat in since. We have often spoke about how much we miss the work which that circle did, especially the healing, but since she still lives in the UK and I now live in France there was no way that we could ever physically sit with each other again.

But we could sit remotely, with her in her quiet room and me in a quite place, on the same day, at the same time, which would then make a connection between us and with the Powers That Be. Both of us needed to have the healing which would come to us through the building up of this two person group, both of us needed to re-new our connections with the Universe, and both needed help with our direction in life.

So a week ago we did this, and it is since then that I have strongly felt the direction in which I need to go. My health is better, I feel less tired, more centred, and happier in myself. And all I did was sit in a remote circle with a friend.

This is what Denise emailed me about the experience she had during the circle:

"Well, Circle Chum, I sustained 40 minutes and now it seems important that I share with you what happened, like we used to share in your back garden circles.

So, first there was a waterfall. It started as one of those massive ones you see in pictures of the rainforest - all tall and narrow and quite dark. As I watched, it turned into something smaller, lighter and with a friendlier feel to it.

And then I was half way up a hill with a kite tied to my ear. The kite had a long red tail on it, which then grew and unfurled into huge ribbons all the colours of a rainbow.

I felt a very heavy pair of hands on the top of my head. I was visited by a Japanese lady in full kimono dress ( pale blue with pale pink blossom pattern). Her name is Oshi Yama, she had a kind face (difficult to put an age to - neither old or young) and she is a healer, bless her.

Then I was transported into the form of a white dog with long flappy ears and I was hanging my head from a car window as it travelled down a country lane. I could see the route we were travelling very clearly through my right eye only, but couldn't sustain the link far enough to see any destination.

 Immediately I felt curled into a safe ball and was lifted into the heart of a water lily - white with a pink tinge. Feeling very tired at this point and could quite cheerfully have gone to sleep for the night. But I asked for guidance for the new healing circle and was given, 'Home to Home, Heart to Heart Meditation and Healing Circle.' And that I was to set up a new blog, where sittings could be recorded and experiences shared. There will be a direct e-mail contact set up and I was to be prepared for a couple of rogues' whilst the guides working with the circle set up a protection.

 Lastly, I made a healing prayer for you, Sue, flood victims, family and friends in general and for myself, the ability to set aside material worries.

I asked for blessings on this circle. And then I was wide awake and writing stuff down in a little notebook! "
Wow! The Universe had really connected with Denise, and had given her the name of the new remote healing circle that she is setting up with another friend of hers. The Universe had worked clairvoyantly and clairaudiently with her, and I have no doubt that she has increased her ability to work with these sensitivities. She had also been given awareness of a Japanese spirit guide healer who will work with her when the time is right.

As for me, I received, and sent out, healing. It is difficult to describe what it feels like when this is happening because it is energy work so there is not the 'seeing' of clairvoyance, or the 'hearing' of clairaudience, or the 'direct voice channelling' of mediumship, it is the 'sensing and feeling' of clairsentience, which is the most refined of all our psychic sensitivities. So I cannot adequately describe what it felt like to be receiving those healing energies, nor what it felt like to channel those healing energies to those who I knew needed healing, and also for Denise and her partner.

Ongoing from that very valuable evening is that Denise has now set up the healing blog with another friend of hers, which is Home to Heart Meditation and Healing Circle. It will be a remote healing group, globally connecting people who need healing. All people need to do is find a quiet place at the time given on the blog, light a candle, and relax. You can email Denise if you want to know more, and the email address is on the Home to Heart blog page. The first evening will be Monday 3rd March 2014, at 7.30 pm GMT.

As for me, there has been changes to the way in which my husband and myself share the workload of our smallholding, leaving me with much more time to do my writing work. As a consequence I feel much lighter in self, less pressurized, and more balanced, as if I am doing what I was meant to be doing.

So if you would like to receive healing via the remote healing circle of Denise and her friend, just let them know who you are so they can focus on you. And if you would like to know more about my work then go to Aspects of Self.

Blessings be with you


You can read more about healing here.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

....and then I found myself chanting!

So I was standing by the side of the woodland, leaning on the rake. The rain was in the wind, and the wind, it was quite strong. Buffeted by the wind and rain, I stood looking out across our front field, waiting for Lester to come and join me, the task in hand being the picking up of the various detritus left over from the last flooding which had been gathered up into a heap on one side of the field, with the fencing wire being intertwined with  old grass and soft twigs. Should another flood come, this detritus would act as a wall against which the flood water would push the fence completely over.

I have been in quite good spirits lately, although the time of the year always has a slowing down effect on me, which is not a bad thing because I do get to have a rest. I am a naturally busy person, and push myself too hard. Sitting doing nothing is something which comes hard to me. But yesterday I found old memories coming up, triggered by a particularly unhappy memory of when I was sixteen. I am not going into what that memory was, but as it popped up into my head I felt a swathe of emotions wake up in regards to this memory. This is called 'clearing', when a situation happens in your life which you do not deal with properly at the time it happens, and so the experience made by the events of the situation become locked into a portion of the mind. You think that you have forgotten, but you have not. And that unhappy situation which you have buried will colour your life thereafter, but you don't know that it is doing so, but it does.

So this particular memory erupted suddenly, bringing with it other memories which were coupled with it. I found myself angry, hurt, even yelling at the associated people held within that memory. For three days this went on. At first I pushed the memory away, not wanting to be reminded of that unhappy time, but still it kept coming at me. I grew tired, I kept wanting to sleep, I lost energy. But still that memory kept being brought into my mind until I eventually let myself go into that time of that memory. It was painful. Two people coming at me, one from left, one from right, and each slapping me on the face with the palms of their hands at the same time. I ended up collapsed on the floor. I was sixteen.

I did not ask for this clearing to happen. As with all times of clearing out the cupboards of the mind, it happened when it was needed to happen. Clearing is necessary if you are to be a balanced person, to be as you were when you were born, clear of all blockages to the mind, blockages which are put during your years of growing up, of the years of being an adult. Blockages represent an emotional pain which will create pain of the body eventually, because the energies of the body will become poisoned by the attitude of the mind, and the more supressed these memories are the more harsher the attitude of mind will be.

We are a product of our past. Everything which has happened to us creates us in the now. Good memories create a happy us, not so good memories we do not want to remember, so we stuff them away in the cupboards of our mind, and there they will fester, giving us problems although we do not know that they are doing so. Times of clearing opens out these closed cupboards so we can deal with the associated upset and pain, which is not an easy thing to do, and can take days. Tears, anger, rage, all these can happen as the process of clearing takes place. It is a brave person who can do this for themselves. But if the process is stuck to, and the memory is retrieved from the cupboard and relived, and the pain worked through, then greater well-being of self will follow.

Anyway, so there I was, standing by our woodland on a wet and windy day, leaning on my rake, thinking of nothing much, just patiently waiting for my husband, and all of a sudden I heard a chant start to happen, and then I found myself voicing the chant out loud. Not only that, but I found myself using my rake as a tool to give the chant rhythm. The chant was of an American plains indian. It was as if I had become something like a medicine man, chanting with a power, and I could feel that power. This went on for some minutes.

And then 'You'll never walk alone' was sung to me. ('When you walk through a storm hold your head up high'), etc....., and then a bolt of energy went from top to toe along my spine, and then I felt a rush of energy from my lower body which went down into the ground.

Meanwhile, I continued to be buffeted by wind and rain. Lester appeared, and we got on with the work of picking up the debris.

But I was properly stuffed for the rest of the day. I had no energy to cook. I had no energy to do anything. I even fell asleep at my computer, after which Lester sent me to bed. I slept for three hours, waking up muggy headed and still not in my right self.

This morning I feel lighter. I await with interest to see what this recent bout of clearing has produced in me.  Ah well, I shall let you know what happens as this becomes sorted out as well.

So why would I let myself go through the re-awakening of an old unhappy memory? Because it stops me from being an entire person, one who is balanced, one who stands strong, one who has learnt their life lessons as given to them by the Universe, one who can channel the energies of the Universe to a high degree, one who is able to connect with their destiny, one who can lay to rest all anxieties created by what has been in the past.

It is like having a medical intervention, with the body needing time to heal and get itself right again. And so it is with the clearing of the mind. Always there will be a few days of feeling tired, not well, without direction, etc..., but it will pass, and then a big step forward will happen. What that is this time remains to be seen.

So, my friend, should you find an old unhappy memory coming into your mind, ride with it, don't push it away, let yourself revisit the time when that memory was laid down, shout out, punch a pillow, and cry your pain through. It is worth the effort. You will feel happier, you will feel stronger, you will feel wiser, and you will feel more connected to the Universe because your energies will be purer.

Bless you. This has been a long read, and thank you for sharing my recent 'clearing' experience.


...and 'thankyou' to the Universe for sending in a spirit guide to give me a chanting session, and also for singing to me 'When we walk through a storm, hold your head up high', and also for getting human friends to organise me into playing the organ for a church service last Sunday, and for the words of the sermon to be about 'letting your voice be heard' which is extremely relevant to me at this time. 'Keep going' that is what the Universe is trying to tell me!

Monday, 3 February 2014

Calling to the girls

We have two rottweiller girls puppies. They are now nearly a  year old, and lovely gentle creatures, unless they are having a romp which can sometimes get quite rough. But they are quiet by nature for most of the time.

Yesterday they went away, took themselves off, went for a jolly romp, who knows where, we did not. We searched locally for several hours, but eventually stopped. They were nowhere around, of that we were sure. With heavy hearts we thought them gone for good.

And then it came into my mind to light a candle for their wellbeing, and to hope that the Universe would bring them back home. I coupled that with mind calling to Maz, the more sensitive of the two girls, and the one who visited me in my dreams a while ago.

So what I did was focus first on visualizing her sitting beside me having a loving, then I felt my mind do a connection with her mind. And then I put across the thought to 'come home'. I kept repeating this, but not wilfully, as in demanding her to return, nor did I show anger towards her and her sister for running off. I just let my thoughts stay soft, repeating 'Come home, Maz, come home'. And then I felt her turning round, hearing me. I did not do the same with Blue. I don't think I have the same mind connection with her, but I didn't try anyway. I wish I had done.

I kept busy for the rest of the day, then night came. Late evening, and nearly bed time. A bark sounded outside. The girls were back! It was nearly 10 pm. They were as pleased as anything to be back, and so were we. But it was Maz who seemed the most upset by her outing, and needed a lot of hugs to settle down. Blue went straight to bed.

And now Maz has become a changed dog. There is a greater energy between us, a bonding. Perhaps if I had talked to Blue in my mind, then there would be a greater bonding between her and me, but Blue is very much a free spirit, and it would have been her who encouraged Maz to go out into the World. I need to work on the energy of Blue, to bring her closer to us. Perhaps this would stop her need to go away.

Mind talking often happens, but not initiated wilfully by myself. What normally happens is that the Universe clicks on the link between me and somebody else, and then streams through whatever words are needed to help that person along their pathway. This was the first time I had made a mind connection with any other living soul. I would never make a mind connection with another human being. I could, but it would feel like manipulating that person to do my will, and that is not the right way. Sending out healing thoughts is the right way, mind connections are not.

So the girls are home, and this morning I remembered to thank the Universe for bringing them back safely. Last night I was too tired to do so, which was remiss of me as I then went on to have a bad night's sleep, which could have been avoided if I had taken the time to thank the Universe and clear all negative energies away from me, which had been encouraged to build up around me by our concern for the girls. Other things which happened during the day also contributed to the stress, such as a neighbour visiting who had flat in energies, an incoming email which had been upsetting,  and one of our sheep who was found to have twisted a strand of wire round both of her back feet which had cut circulation to one foot. Just one of those days which were busy with difficulties and me not making time to reiki each situation as it came along so that they did not build up so much stress that  my energies started going down a hole.

People have often said to me that it must be wonderful to be psychically sensitive, and to often have close communication with the Universe. I would agree. But the downside is the need to pay close attention to those specific energies of mine which allow this connection. Sometimes I don't. I know that I have written about this before, and no doubt I shall be writing it again in the future.

But, on the upside, mind connection brought home our girls.

In love and light
